Thank you so much! And a vote

4K 86 17

Id like to thank everyone for the support their giving me especially since if ya check my rankings when it comes to demon tanjiro im now at number 4!

This means a lot to me especially since this is my first story! Ill try to keep up with the story and with that im going to make a vote for the next story, yes i know its too early to be preparing for a new story especially since I just started but im looking for something to do later on when this story is finished even if it will take longer now onto the vote!

Demon king tanjiro with fan made upper moons and no not lower moons nobody cares about them


A demon slayer ship story (you guys choose the ship. something i am not exactly planning on doing. Not a big fan of romance honestly. But it is cute. Please don't judge)


You guys say your own idea. Post your comment on what you want and most replies to that comment wins

Anyway bye!


Taisho secret 1: zenitsu received the world record award if climbing a tall tree within seconds
Taisho secret 2: most of the camera men during the fight scenes got destroyed. Dont worry they're cheap
Taisho secret 3: Life is a LIE ALL OF IT

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