Pillar training 2/2

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Nezuko pov:

Man that waterfall was tough but now we need to push this boulder!! ACROSS A GOD DAMN VILLAGE!!! "I bet that gyomei guy can't even do it!!" Inoskue said as he was trying to push his boulder. Then suddenly everyone saw gyomei pushing 3 boulders at once!! Across the village!!! inoskue was now lost for words and began questioning his own strength. Man... I cant even nudge my boulder, literally nobody has passed gyomei's training ground! Then again, he is the strongest hashira out of everyone so it is kind of expected??

1 weeks later

Nearly everyone had given up in this training ground, but then i remember what genya told me and what gyomei said the day we entered his training ground while we were eating fish. "Hold on guys" I immediately left and went to my boulder.

Narrator pov:

Nezuko used total concentration breathing, and used gyomei's words to help her concentrate. With it she began pushing, everyone was staring and said "she's not gonna move that boulder" until nezuko actually begun moving the boulder. "WAAAAAAHHHH SHES ACTUALLY PUSHING THE BOULDER!!!" screamed Zenitsu as all the other slayers stared in shock while nezuko was pushing the boulder across the village "s*it... I lost!" Said inoskue "YOU KNOW WHAT! IF BEZUKO CAN DO IT! THEN SO CAN I!!!" as inoskue was able move his boulder a bit. "GAAAAAAHHH! HES PUSHING HIS BOULDER AS WELL!!" yelled Zenitsu as he received a letter from his sparrow, regarding his grandfather.

Nezuko had pushed the boulder all the way through the village. But she was dehydrated and fell on the floor and was like gasping for air.

Nezuko pov:

S*it... im so dehydrated! Theres no water nearby! I can't move myself! I think im gonna die here! Kanae, shinobu, kanao, aoi, tanjiro! Crap! These may be my last breaths! And gyomei came and poured water i to my mouth. "You have done well kamado nezuko" he said while pouring water into my mouth "ah.. thank you so much gyomei san!" Then he poured more water into my mouth "namu ami dabutsu. You did the right thing when you prioritized the other humans first back then against the fight against the demon moon." I then got up and smiled at him

Gyomei pov:

Her smile, she reminds me of the children back then, i took care of them, but i failed to protect them... "kamado nezuko, your training is now complete, i accept you" i said while rubbing her head

Narrator pov:

It was night, sanemi just came from a duel from Giyuu, he was pissed because nezuko interfered. While wondering through his estate till he saw something move at the bushes, he immediately grabbed and smashed it, and it was an eye?! "What the fuck is this gross shit?" Said sanemi. Then dropping the eye. Tanjiro also had noticed the eye in the cave as well while wondering through the woods and looking at the wooden flute, the last memory of kokushibo and yoriichi's brotherhood, he slashed the eye and he had a sudden realization.

Oyakata estate

Oyakata was sick, very badly, two of his daughters were playing with a ball while his wife was taking care of him, and there muzan had arrived "i am disappointed, this is the man that has been hunting. Your pathetic" oyakata chuckled while his wife described the looks of muzan. "Your going to die here tonight oyakata" muzan said

While all the pillars were immediately notified of muzan and he was with oyakata. Nezuko was with kanae, kanao, and shinobu when they heard the news, the four butterflies immediately began rushing towards oyakata's estate along with the rest of the pillars including tanjiro began rushing towards the estate. Upon almost making it they witnessed the estate blow up, they were all devastated.

Muzan pov:

That bastard! He actually blew himself up along with his family! Then spikes began appearing around me and stabbing me, holding me in place and then "Tamayo?!?!" She punched a fist into my stomach "how does it feel?! You son of a bitch" she said

Narrator pov:

Muzan began absorbing Tamayo while his head was immediately destroyed by a flail from gyomei 'as expected, only sunlight will kill him' gyomei thought as muzans head was regrowing in seconds. "YOU GUYS ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU CAN CORNER ME?!" muzan yelled as doors beneath the pillars opened up as they all fell through along with all the demon slayers. "MUZAN!!" Both nezuko and tanjiro yelled "HAH! COME GET ME, KAMADO SIBLINGS!"

A few minutes passed and all the pillars found themselves at the infinity fortress but they were all separated.

Giyuu found rengoku then obanai ran into both of them "ugh.. why did i have to find you guys first?" Obanai said as rengoku just said "Were not so bad!!" While giyuu only stared. Then they felt an uppermoon presence, they all immediately jumped away as an explosion occurred, with the dust clearing, and obanai saw a demon he was all too familiar with. "Akaza, uppermoon 3" obanai said while landing on his feat next to rengoku and giyuu "i can sense your all pillars." Akaza said "especially you snake pillar! This time we will finish our battle right here right now" then the three hashiras got ready. As both sides charged at each other.

Shinobu found herself in a swamp like area, and that was when she saw multiple dead women, and there was an uppermoon who's eyes read uppermoon 2 "why hello there!!" Uppermoon 2 said as kanae appeared and called him "Doma!!" "Oh my! Two female hashiras at once what a meal!" Then Kanao and nezuko appeared making doma excited about his upcoming dinner. To the north kanae, the south shinobu, east nezuko, and the west was kanao. "This time, tanjiro won't be here to save you" doma said as his third arm manifested and he pulled out his fans.

Muichiro was running through the halls of the infinite fortress and that was when he saw a pot, two demon slayers approached it as one got pulled in and his clothes were spitted out and there came out the unholy abomination, gyokko as he slashed the other demon slayers head off. "Why hello there! You must be a pillar! I am gyokko! Uppermoon 5-"shut the fuck up you abomination" said muichiro in a dead tone. "THATS RUDE OF YOU" yelled gyokko while muichiro just stuck his tongue out like a child.

Genya and misturi ran into each other and there they saw hantegu. They immediately chopped his head off only for more of him to appear and they appear to represent his emotions. "A hashira! This will be so fun! And another slayer! But he reeks of a demon... i see! Your a false demon!" One of the emotions were yelling out as mitsuri yelled "HEY THAT IS RATHER RUDE OF YOU" as genya loaded up his gun and misturi drew her blade.

Tanjiro found himself in the same room as sanemi, "why you of all people?!" Yelled sanemi at tanjiro. "Me?! Like i came here on purpose!!" Yelled back tanjiro. As they bith saw the doors around them opening and revealing demons, the demons were different, they had tentacles, some had more mouths, more eyes, these were different demons but still demons nonetheless. As a lot of those different demons were pouring into the room, sanemi and tanjiro nodded at each other then drawing out there blades. Sanemi gripped his blade while tanjiro let his sword grow a bit bigger then they both gave out a maniacs grin and said "were gonna slaughter your sorry asses tonight!"

Zenitsu opened the door and there he saw 3 dead slayers and there he saw him, kaigaku, but this time, zenitsu was different, he was filled with rage.

Then finally muzan who had just fully absorbed Tamayo, "i will finish off the demon slayer corps tonight, not one will make it out of this fortress alive" he said

As all the hashiras and the slayers engage the demons, the question remaining who will win.

To be continued

Hi! I just realized! Im gonna have to write a long fight scenes for each of these guys. Because my dumbass left nearly all the uppermoons alive... but hey! I thought it'd be interesting if all the uppermoons and hashiras fought in the infinity fortress! And yes im sorry i had to kill tamayo.

Taisho secret 1: uzui wont be in this fight since he's retired
Tasio secret 2: oyakata still has a son and two daughters, snd his son is now running the demon slayers and is helping the demon slayers with the assistance of a demons blood demon art
Taisho secret 3: Im screwed for what i need to write later on

Ill see you all next chapter!!

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