But why tho?

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TW: mentions of mental illnesses sorry I didn't post it earlier

When Bokuto was just a pup his father had decided that he would be the successor of the Silver Owls pack but in order to do so he must surpass his older sisters Kattie and Gorgie "one day you're going to be a great pack leader and bare many pups for the future generations, I'll be expecting your greatness and an heir by your twenty first birthday" my father said when I was ten. That was almost ten years ago, I will turn twenty one in three months and I haven't found a mate yet. Sitting in my room I muttered to myself "Don't worry Bo, you'll find a mate soon enough" my friend Kuroo tried to comfort me "easy for you to say, you and Daichi have been together for almost two years" I pouted "you'll find them, I promise you will" Tsukkishima said with a smirk "I don't like the smirk you have there you got going on" I got chills "I'm saying let's go to a "pet store" it'll be fun" he grinned "stop that, anyways what's a pet store?" I asked fearing the worst "it's a place for omegas to reside until they're saved or get too feral to live there" he explained "u-umm can I think about this first?" I asked afraid and disgusted a bit by his proposal "you have three months to find a mate and have a child, you better think quickly" Daichi said walking from behind Kuroo "I promise you that you'll have to find someone and have a child or you won't be pack leader" Tsukki said argumentatively "I know, I know, fine I'll go but if I don't find a mate there it'll be hell for all of us" I grabbed my coat and headed to my door "are you coming?" I asked the three men still in my room.

    After eventually making it to the unnecessarily huge building we were welcomed inside "Tsukki what're you doing here?" An orange haired male asked when we walked in "Bo here needs to find a mate and what better place than Wallflower Inn where I found you" he planted a kiss on the orange haired male "ahem, mind introducing us to your little friend here" Kuroo coughed "oh Kuroo, Bokuto this is Shoyo Hinata. Sho is my mate and I found him here at the Inn" Tsukkishima said proudly "it's a pleasure to meet you both" he held out his had for us to shake "alright now that introductions are over what type of mate are you looking for? Any personality types or looks that you prefer?" He asked excited "I'm not interested in females although I do like long hair and I like them a bit feisty but I could also go with someone quiet and they have to be very tiny, I want to be able to carry him around everywhere" I basically described my best friends "ah I have a few people in mind for you, follow me" Shoyo said bouncing away "if it's who I think it is, he's definitely not gonna leave without force" Tsukki said laughing "oh hush, he's been dying to see the outside world so he might go with it" Shoyo said swatting at Tsukki "who are you talking about?" I butted in "someone who probably won't be eager to meet you but will do anything to leave this place. Do you mind someone you might have to drag out of this place?" Shoyo replied "if they're able to bare me a child I'd do just about anything" I followed them down a set of stairs through a couple doors into a library "what are we doing in a library? Does he read a lot?" I whispered "no but his friend does, he comes here to sit with him but plays games instead" Shoyo whispered back. Walking around a bookshelf we saw two males sitting on a couch "that's Akasshi" Shoyo said pointing to a pretty raven haired male "and that's Kenma" he continued pointing to a smaller male with blonde hair and black roots holding a DS snuggled into the tallers side "Kenma's the one that I suggest you take with you. He's tiny, quiet, and he can be very sarcastic at times. Beware though he can be a handful and disobedient little fucker." Tsukkishima said "he's been through so much though, all he needs is love and a safe space. He'll open up to you if you prove to be safe" Shoyo added "He's perfect, I'll take him but umm..is he..ya know.." I trailed off "if you mean fertility then yes he is" Shoyo said walking over to the two males. I panicked when Kenma and Akasshi both looked over at us when Shoyo pointed over here "t-they're looking over here" I stuttered "hey look they're walking this way" Kuroo slapped me on the back "Kenma, Akasshi, this is Kuroo and Bokuto. Kenma you will be leaving with Bokuto today" Shoyo said calmly. Kenma looked me up and down "umm o-okay" he said quietly "alright then, Akasshi can you accompany Kenma to his room and help him pack" Shoyo clapped his hands and showed us the way back to the front desk.

     "they should be down shortly, Kenma has a couple of medical issues that you need to know about. Firstly he has anxiety which causes him to get random bursts of energy to do anything, it's usually sporadic cleaning. Secondly he has depression that comes in waves, they can last for hours or it can last days where he won't eat, drink, shower, or leave his room. During those times you have to force him to eat, drink, and shower, he has social anxiety on top of anxiety which I didn't know we're two different things, and lastly he has ADHD it's minor compared to the other two but just know that he has it." Shoyo then explained how the paperwork process goes "oh and he's only been outside an upwards of three times that I know of and all ended in him getting lost and having an attack" Shoyo looked really sad saying that "he's not been allowed to leave the grounds since but Akasshi used to bring him trinkets every now and then when he was allowed outside" he continued. Kenma and Akasshi arrived shortly after Shoyo's explanation "are you packed and ready to go?" Shoyo asked walking to the small male with only a duffle bag twice his size and a bookbag on his back, I quickly walked over there and took the giant duffle bag from him "I can carry it myself" he snapped glaring at me "Kenma! He's just trying to be nice. Let him take your bag for goodness sake" Akasshi scolded "...fine...I'm sorry" he mumbled "he's not a people person and doesn't interact with new people very well, does he?" Akasshi elbowed Kenma in the ribs "oww umm no I don't" he said blushing and looking away. He handed the bag over and turned to hug Akasshi "alright Kenma, it's time to leave now. We'll miss having you here every day but come back to visit us" Shoyo said tearing up "I'll try" he went to hug Shoyo and Akasshi just stared at me, more like stared through me making me a bit uneasy "umm w-what? Are you okay?" I asked pulling him from a blank state "oh sorry, I spaced out a bit" He and Shoyo watched as we all piled back into my car and drove away.

The drive back was quiet which was expected, what wasn't expected was Kenma pushing himself into my side to fall asleep. Once we had arrived home I carried him up to my bedroom and laid him under the covers before closing the door behind me. I sat down with a sigh "do you think he hates me?" I asked "Bo he was comfortable enough with you to practically sleep on top of you, he doesn't hate you" Kuroo said making me feel a bit better "I sure hope you're right about that" I sighed again "you'll be fine and your dad will definitely hand over the pack to you" Tsukkishima added. Kuroo and Tsukki left soon after leaving me alone in this giant house.

Umm hi? I'm back with another story that will have slow ass updates. Give me some feedback on how y'all like this. Next chapter will be Kenma's POV. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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