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Bokuto's POV

When we got home I asked our butler Junie to help bring in bags "we can do it Kouki" Kento urged "let him do it, it's his job after all" I grabbed our food as he let out a frustrated groan. Reaching our room I set the food down and took my jacket and shoes off "Teru said there was another alpha who talked to you at the mall. Did he hurt you?" I asked the male who helped himself to the food I set down "nope, he took one sniff and pushed me away and left he said that I had an alpha and suddenly left" he shrugged and took a sip of his drink "this is so good!" He squealed "what did you get to drink?" He handed it to me "you got lemonade? You're so cute, here try mine" I handed him my Dr. Pepper "this is good too!" He had sparkles in his eyes. I heard the door open "mother needs your presence right away" Kattie said "could you knock next time? Damn you have no sense of personal space" she scoffed "well you have no sense of time, mom's been waiting for thirty minutes because you said you were gonna be here thirty minutes ago" she hissed "we'll be there soon" Kenma stood up and put his shoes back on "Kouki the faster we get there the faster we finish and come back" he grabbed my hand and walked out of the room "she's in the library!" Kattie yelled behind us. "Come in! Come in!" Mother said as soon as we entered the library "Kenma doll come sit by me" she patted the seat beside her on the loveseat. After we had sat down and got comfortable "so did you guys talk about the wedding at all amongst yourselves?" She asked right away "yes we did, we have the date set, the color scheme, the time, and we have a guest list started" I set the papers on the coffee table in front of mom "you've been really busy I see. October 3rd sounds like a good date, it's only a few weeks away and just enough time to prepare and send the invitations" she seemed really happy "now Kenma what style dress would you like to wear?" I forgot he agreed to a dress "I'd like something that isn't form fitting, I'd like to see maybe an a line or maybe even a ball gown" he sounded like he really knew his dresses "wow you really know your dresses, where'd you learn to pick out styles?" His face fell as mom asked him "uh I had a master who made me wear dresses so I know a lot about them" he twisted a strand of hair between his fingers "oh dollbaby you don't have to wear a dress I'd it makes you uncomfortable. I didn't know" mother rushed out "no, no it's okay, I like to wear dresses but it's more of a comfort thing" he pushed his hair behind his ear "well do you want to go shopping in a botique or do you want a customized dress?" He perked up at the mention of a customized dress "custom? Like as in I can get what I want?" He sounded really excited, mother laughed "of course, you're going to be our Luna and a proper Luna deserves to have custom made clothing" she smiled again "anyways are we good here? I'm really tired from shopping today and I'd like to take a nap" I said yawning "alright dear, Kenma we can discuss a dress when Gorgie has time to talk with us" with that we stood and left mother in the library.

Kenma in dresses has made a comeback #sorrynotsorry the next couple of chapters may be shorter than normal but I'll try to keep them long. Anyways Kittybear out😗✌🏼

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