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TW: mentions of suicide

Kenma's POV

I can customize my own dress! I was getting really excited "Kouki I can't wait to make my dress" I smiled really big at him while we walked to our bed "I bet it'll be beautiful, I don't know much about dresses besides what my sister's show me but I can't wait to see you in it" we stared at each other for a minute "can I kiss you?" He blurted out "I- yes" I leaned towards him and he met me in the middle in a sweet kiss that made me warm inside "I- kiss me again" I asked as he tried to back away, his lips met mine in a more hungry manner. I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged a bit, he moaned in my mouth giving me shivers, I crawled into his lap getting better access "we better stop before I do something you don't want yet" I reluctantly agreed and let his hair go, I said okay in a small voice a bit saddened that we didn't go any further. What was I saying I don't want to go any further....or did I? It didn't matter anyways because Kouki got a call and excused himself to the sitting area "Kageyama you dumbass, why would you do that?" "And you suck dick for a living" "clean up your mess I ain't doing it again" "his fucking ex" "I trusted you but I don't know if I can anymore" "you come anywhere near" that's when I stopped listening in, he hung up soon after and came to me with a bright smile that faded when he saw my concerned face "what's wrong? You look concerned?" should I ask him? "Um what was that call? I-if you don't mind answering" I rushed out "it was just another alpha complaining about his mate leaving him. He's called me twice about it already and threatened me so I have no choice but I'll tighten up our security so he doesn't do anything rash" he rubbed his forehead and sat down beside me. I grabbed his shoulder and laid his head in my lap and began playing with his hair "Kento?" I just started humming a tune that was taught to me. A few minutes later he was peacefully sleeping "what are you humming?" I was startled by Gorgie sitting on the bed "oh umm it's a song my maid would sing to me after my master would spend the night with me" I down at the sleeping male in my lap "does it have lyrics? I'd love to hear them" she smiled at me "alright, I'm not a very good singer though" she just urged me to go on

A/N play song now

I'm leaving, little one
Now don't go grieving, little one
There are some things that need to be, need to be done
Go rest your head
And in your dreams
I'll come along
I'm leaving, little one
Don't go grieving, little one
There's power found in a song, hear me;
When I am done I will go and come back to you
I will find some place and light to take back to you
I've been awaiting for long time now
Ever awaiting but it's time now
I've been awaiting, but when I go please: stay, stay, wait
I'm leaving, little one
Don't go grieving, little one
For this is power found in a song, hear me

Once finished I realized that I woke Kouki "that was so beautiful but really depressing. Why that one?" Kouki asked, I shrugged "I honestly don't know but it helped me sleep and I always had Shoyo or Akasshi to sing it to me if I had a nightmare after I left" Kouki sat up and smiled at me "what was her name?" Gorgie laid her head in his place, putting my hand on her head "her name was Pitou and she was the most gorgeous lady I'd ever met. She has honey brown hair and bright blue eyes and she would sing everywhere she went and was so kind and generous to everyone she met before...before she killed herself" I was playing with Gorgie's silver strands before I noticed a water droplet fall on her forehead "oh Kenni I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up painful memories" she lifted a hand to my cheek to wipe away stray tears "oh um it's okay, she's with the moon goddess now. I can sometimes feel her or hear that song and I know I'm safe" Kouki pulled my into his chest as Gorgie sat up and hugged both of us.

I cried as I never really got to grieve over her death "is- is he okay?" Kattie had walked in. I looked up at her and actually took in her appearance, she had long silver hair tied up in a bow knot, big golden eyes that seemed to glow, a small button nose, and she was very petite compared to her younger sister and brother. She didn't seem to be much taller than my 5'5 frame and she definitely wasn't curvier than I was "er why's he staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" She wiped at her mouth and cheeks "oh um no I was just thinking about how you and Koutaro look so similar, it's like you could be twins" I looked between the Bokuto siblings. Kattie and Kouki made sour faces while Gorgie sat up and laughed "what'd I do?" They all looked at me like I were a small child "siblings usually don't like to be compared whether it be looks wise personality type or even in academics" Gorgie explained "o-oh I see, I'm sorry" I bowed my head in submission "no no Kento it's okay, you didn't know. There's no need to submit" Kouki said hurriedly "yeah absolutely no need, you'll be our Luna after all. Oh we're having a family dinner with Kenma so we can know him better" Kattie smiled at me again reminding me of her brother. Kattie and Gorgie left our room so we could change clothes.

Hello there everyone, this chapter was longer than expected buuuut I took forever trying to find a depressing lullaby for Kenma's maid to sing him. It's imperative for the story to continue. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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