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Bokuto's POV

After we got settled in to the cabin we decided to sit down on the bed and rest for a bit before the mating process "do you know how the process works?" Kento asked "All I know is that I bite you riiiight here!" I poked his collarbone, he yelped "that felt so weird but a good weird" he mumbled "oh and then we scent each other kitten, I'll smell like apples and cinnamon in the woods?" He blushed at the new nickname "it'll be like a book I once heard called Snow White" I thought back to when my sister's made me watch it with them "I liked the movie but I don't think I've read the story" he lit up "there's a movie? I want to see it! I loved the story" he was so cute "yeah, we can watch it when we get back next week" I didn't know how to proceed, on the one hand I wanted to fuck him into next week but on the other I wanted to make his first time special and gentle "What are your kinks?" I blurted out and immediately regretted it "oh uh don't laugh at me" I nodded and urged him to proceed "I uh apparently have a praise kink, a daddy kink, I uh I like choking, hair pulling, and spanking" he looked away blushing "Thats hot" I turned his face back and kissed him passionately and he kissed back as I pulled his hair down and ran my fingers through it "do you want to now? We can wait if you want" I didn't want to pressure him "Yes I want to, I can't wait anymore. I want you to mark me" he kissed me again and unbuttoned my shirt, I took my jacket and shirt off and unbuttoned his dress "you're so gorgeous" I breathed after he pulled it over his head "s-shut up" he pushed me down on the bed "you're wearing too much, can I?" He hated with the hem of my pants "yes of course" laid back on the bed.

Kenma's POV

I was scared and nervous but I knew I wanted to do this. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off before I took his underwear off I left a trail of hickeys up his torso to his face and kissed him again "you're so good at this" he groaned as I palmed his dick through his underwear. Getting him hard I pulled his underwear off 'giws he gonna fit in me? he's huge!' I licked his dick base to tip before taking him in to my mouth "Holy shit" Kou grabbed my hair and tugged making me moan around his dick "ah hah good boy Kento, you're doing so well" the words he spoke sent tingles straight to my core, heating me up inside. I bobbed faster and he pulled on my hair harder "f-fuck Kento you make daddy feel so good" the same warmth went through my body again making me uncomfortably hard "nghh Kento I'm gonna-" he came down my throat and I gagged a bit before swallowing with a smirk "you're so fucking hot" he wiped my chin and sat me in his lap for another kiss. I moaned as our erections rubbed against each other, Kou rolled us over and grabbed something from the nightstand "w-what's that?" I pointed to the tube he picked up "it's called lube, I squirt it on my fingers and- ya know what? I'll just show you" I trusted him when he put some on his fingers. I gasped when he circled my enterance with his lubed fingers, I gripped the sheets when he slowly inserted a finger in me "oh god daddy" I moaned enjoying the new sensation "Good job babe, you're taking my fingers so well" he added another and made scissoring and curling motions completely unraveling me "f-fuck yes" I moaned when he grabbed my dick with his other hand and started pumping in time with his scissoring motions "fucking hell I'm gonna-" I came on his hand and my stomach "you did so well baby" he had removed his fingers and I felt something else rub against my enterance "are you ready?" He put my legs on his shoulders after I said yes leaned over me and started slowly thrusting in me "I'm going to mark you now" he lightly choked me as he licked my collarbone and grazed his thumb across my skin before biting down hard and thrusting harder in me I let out a strangled scream in pain and pleasure. He released my collarbone and licked the wound before asking if I was okay "yes I'm okay, just keep going" I moaned when he thrust into me again harder than before. I was feeling new sensations and I hadn't realized that I was clawing his back until he grunted and jerked away from my hands "god I like scratching but you're digging craters in my back" he huffed with another thrust "Unhh you just make me feel so good" I moaned "I can't help it" I continued with a screech when he hit my prostate "there! Right there, keep going!" I bit into his shoulder marking him "good job baby, let me take the wheel for a bit" he pulled out a bit and sat on his knees. He pushed my knees to my chest, kissed me gently, and thrust into me and kept up a fast pace "h-holy fuck daddy! Faster!" I screamed when he hit my prostate. He flipped me on to my knees, pushed me into the bed by my back, and thrust back in me making my knees weak before he even finished "Im close-" I huffed before I came on the bed "I am too" he rearranged his hips, pulled me up by my throat and thrust harder. I was beginning to get overstimulated "I'm cumming" he yelled thrusting faster before they became sloppy and he came in me with one last thrust. He pulled out and flopped down beside me on the bed "Holy shit, that was the best sex ever! Best way to lose my virginity" he sat back up as I fell over "Kento I'm gonna run you a bath I'll be right back" I nodded and started dozing off "Hey, hey don't be dozing off yet. We have to clean you up first" he scooped me up, I gripped the sides of tub in pain when he set me down in the hot water "is it too hot? I'm sorry, I'll cool it down" he panicked "no, no it's okay. My ass and back are sore from my first time" looked up at him who looked over my body and widened his eyes.

Ouuuu get it Bokuken lmaoo sorry this one came out a bit late I've been busy with life lately and I have a birthday to plan so I'll hardly be writing until it's over. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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