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Bokuto's POV

The next morning was met with a slap to the back of my head when I left my room "ouch Gorgie that shit hurt" I whined "nobody cares, anywho where's your mate?" she whispered looking around "Kenma's still sleeping" I whispered back "I'm going to make us breakfast, do you want anything?" I asked the bouncing ball beside me "sure, I'd like a waffle, some hash browns, eggs, bacon, and some sausage links" she grinned "damn that's a lot you fatass" I joked "Hey! At least I'm not Kattie who eats the entire kitchen" she exclaimed "who eats the entire kitchen?" We heard from behind us. We turned to see our oldest sister behind us with her arms folded across her chest "where the hell did you come from!? You scared the shit outta me" I screeched "I just walked up when you said my name, now what were you guys talking about?" She demanded "we were talking about going shopping later, my birthday is coming up so I decided to start planning early" I lied, it must've been convincing enough because she didn't question any further. Once in the kitchen I forbid them from coming inside "you both suck at helping me so go away" I shut and locked the doors behind me "finally some peace and quiet" I went to work on breakfast for an army.

Kenma's POV

I had rolled over into what I thought was Kouki but I felt nothing but the cold mattress, I sat up but he was nowhere to be seen 'he's almost pack leader, he's probably attending meetings' I got out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom for a shower. Under the water I washed my hair last with the shampoo and conditioner placed for me "a shower is just what I needed" I sighed stepping out and getting a towel for my hair and a robe for my body. Stepping into the room I was attacked with a hug "I thought you ran away" Kouki whined "why would you think that?" I hugged him back "she left me before" he whispered "who is she?" I asked curiously "the woman that my family wanted me to marry, she made me fall in love and then disappeared with another man" I felt the pain in his voice "I promise I won't leave you, where would I go?" I joked giggling. We were interrupted by rapid knocks on the door "I'll head back to the bathroom then" I started to walk away but he pulled me back "I think it's Gorgie, she wants to meet you so we can all go shopping, umm just sit in the lounge room for right now in case it's Kattie" he gestured to the room beside the bed "but I have to get dressed" I pouted "I'll bring you some of my clothes" he said walking to the door.

I huffed as I sat in the lounge room, I heard him talking to a female whom I think is his sister. I pulled the towel off of my head and started drying my hair "I thought you brought a guy home? Who is this girl?" I heard behind me, I turned around to see female Koutaro with her honey brown eyes, her white and grey hair that was sharply cut into a bob, and her loud boisterous voice "Hiya my name's Gorgie Bokuto, nice to meet ya! You're a very pretty guy, I thought you were a girl" she said holding her hand out to me. I hesitated a bit flicking my eyes from her to Kouki to her hand and back to Kouki "it's okay, she's basically harmless until you talk about anything girly" Kouki laughed "umm nice to meet you too?" I basically whispered "I like you already" she attacked me with a hug "Gorgie he's fragile, let him go!" Kouki panicked, she quickly backed away from me "sorry I got excited" she said sheepishly "um it's okay, she didn't mean any harm" I said drying the rest of my hair "so I'm still naked and I'd like to get dressed please" I stood in my robe that was thankfully long and a lot oversized "oh you grabbed my robe, it's huge" Kouki laughed "no wonder it goes past my hands and down to the floor" I giggled "oh my god Wakai, I wanna keep him! Can I pleeeeease" she gave him puppy eyes "No Meiwaku you can't. He's mine, not yours" he folded his arms over his chest "who's Koutaro's?" I heard behind them "oh Kattie I didn't notice you walk in" Bo said nervously as I backed away into the darkest corner of the room and crouched down "I just walked in, now who's yours?" "Kuroo is my best friend and Wakai over here wants to steal him from me" Kouki said with a fake pout "but he's so handsome, and tall, and strong, he's perfect" she said dreamily "and also very taken and very gay" Kouki chuckled "Gorgie you can't have his friend and Koutaro you can't make fun of your sister's infatuation with your friend. I thought I taught you better than that, I came to tell you both that mom wants us down for brunch and that it's almost ready and to hurry downstairs" she walked back outside shutting the door. "Holy shit I'm glad we didn't say mate or anything. Kento you can come out now" Kouki said grabbing me some clothes.

"She's terrifying Gorgie porgie and when did she become so mean to me" he said to Gorgie "it was probably after you told her you didn't need her help coping. It broke her heart, she only wanted to help but you pushed both of us away. She holds grudges remember?" Gorgie said sadly "I remember but I didn't want my older sisters smothering me. I wanted to be alone but by the time I felt ready Kattie didn't want anything to do with me so I just stayed away" he sounded defeated "it's not something I should tell you but you deserve to know. Kattie resents you because dad chose you to be pack leader because you're a male alpha, and she's a female alpha which means that she'll be married off instead of leading her own pack she'll be a Luna for another. I'll most likely be your beta since I am one like mother is. I just hope that she'll come around and accept that you're going to be pack leader" Gorgie looked at me "your hair is beautiful, can I brush it?" Kouki smacked the hand she was reaching for me with "you have to let him answer before you touch him" he sighed "oops sorry again" she chuckled "I guess I really don't understand personal space" I didn't shy away instead I walked over to my bag and grabbed clothes "you can brush my hair after I change" I said walking back to the bathroom. I heard her squeal as I shut the door.

Wooowie story updates all around and how do you like a sneak peek into the Bokuto siblings lives? I like the idea of Bo having two older sisters with two very different personalities. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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