Bachelor party?

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Kenma's POV 8pm

I had been sitting with the girls, Shoyo, and Akasshi, a guy named Oikawa, Suna, and Atsumu for six hours just talking about Kouki and all of their mates "Kenmi have you and Bo done it yet?" the guy named Atsumu asked "w-what do you mean? N-no we haven't had sex" I turned bright red "Tsumu just because you had sex days after meeting Kusa doesn't mean everyone has" Oikawa scolded "we'll have you at least kissed?" I slowly nodded my head and they all squealed "oh my gosh Kawa, Tsumu that's so cute, KenKen when?" Shoyo asked "it was a few weeks ago but we haven't kissed since" I blushed pink again "Kenni why didn't you tell me, I'm hurt" Akasshi said "o-oh I'm sorry I didn't think about it" I teared up a bit "no, no, no he's kidding. He didn't mean it" Gorgie said hugging me "I'm sorry mouse, I didn't mean it literally. I was just feigning hurt" I didn't know what they meant by that "they mean that he was pretending to be hurt to be funny which didn't work because you didn't know" Suna explained "let's compare boyfriends on how sweet they are" Kawa suggested excitedly "quite honestly I think Bo is the best mate because I heard him last night humming to Kenma and this morning cuddled against him" Gorgie smiled "I don't know anything about any of your mates and I don't have one so I'd have to say Bokuto-san too" Akasshi chimed in "well how about we just play a game to know each other better, I hardly know anyone here" I mumbled "well why don't we play 20 questions? But we all ask each other one question and move to someone else" Gorgie asked "well let's get to know Kenma better, is that okay with you?" Kattie looked at me "sure, I guess all of you know each other so I guess it's not bad" everyone asked a question "umm my favorite food is grilled cheese and soup, I like to play games, my birthday is October 16th, I bleached my hair once and I might do it again, and I keep my hair long because I like it, and Kouki does too and before Tsumu asks if never had sex with anyone" I looked straight at him "I wasn't gonna ask" he pouted. Everyone did the same as I did and then we asked more personal and weird questions "no I have never eaten spaghetti and meatballs before" I was confused by them laughing at the fact I've never eaten it "is it really that funny? I didn't think that eating spaghetti was that funny" I scratched my head "ohh Ken can I do your hair? It just looks so soft" Oikawa asked "I- uh sure Oikawa-" "you don't have to kenken" Shoyo butted in "it's alright, I'll need it done tomorrow too" I moved to sit in front of Oikawa and let him brush out and braid my hair which made me sleepy and start purring. They all awwed at my purring while Oikawa still braided "it's getting late I think we should all head to bed now, they decided to get married at ten am so we have to be ready and there on time" Kattie clapped shaking me from my trance "I'm only done with one side" Oikawa whined "You can finish tomorrow Oikawa" I said leaning back into him and closing my eyes "just Kawa or Tooru is fine" he picked me up and put me on my bed "okay Tooru, good night" Shoyo and Akasshi climbed into the bed on either side of me and everyone else slept on the floor in what they called sleeping bags, I fell asleep to the sounds of Shoyo and Akasshi's purring.

Why do I feel like Oikawa's braiding skills would be amazing? Like he could open a hair salon or some shit. This was short and I'm sorry but next chapter will definitely be longer. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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