Shopping spree?

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Kenma's POV

I woke up the next morning to Kouki jumping on the bed "Kouki" I whined "get up! Get up! We have to go shopping today before my mother decides to spend all day wedding planning with us" that cought my attention "okay, okay, I'm up" I rolled out of bed to the bathroom "can- can I wear one of your hoodies today?" I asked shyly. He smiled really big "yes! Of course you can" he ran to our closet and grabbed me a bright orange hoodie that said 'Mine' in big white letters "can you make it any more obvious?" I joked "yes, yes I can" he sprayed some of his calogne on it and after I put it on he scented me by rubbing his cheek against both of mine making me blush bright red "there now it's more obvious er why're you blushing?" He asked "I uh I've never been scented before" I hid my face behind the oversized sleeve of his hoodie "well now you smell like me and you can scent me if you want to" he looked like he really wanted me to "um okay" I raised up on my tip toes and grabbed his face so I could rub my cheek against his "ah you smell like apples and cinnamon, like a freshly baked apple pie" he sighed "well you smell like pine wood and rain. Reminds me of a forest after rain or a pretty waterfall" he smiled "that sounds really cool" he grabbed my hand and walked me to their garage. "Where do you want to go first?" He asked as we entered the huge mall "umm food first because we left without eating" my stomach growled in agreement "What do you want to eat? There's Chinese, Mexican, there's even American food here" I got excited about all of the choices "I don't know which to choose, I want all of them" I pouted "well how about we go to your first choice now and then in a bit when you're hungry again we can go to another one and before we leave we can get food from the places we haven't eaten yet" I was happy about that "are- are you sure? What if it's too expensive? I'll be okay without it" I didn't want him to spend money he didn't have "Kento i am more than sure, I have a gold card which means I can get whatever I want whenever I want and what I want is to get you food" he smiled down at me "t-thank you Kouki, it means a lot that you'd do this" we were in public I didn't want to cry or cause a fuss. After brunch we walked around the mall, bought me lots of clothes, and then I lost him "Kouki, Kouki where are-" I bumped into a tall man who I could tell was an alpha "oh, hello dear" he smiled "I umm can you help me?" I asked "of course I can help you" he pulled me close to him but as soon as he did he pushed me away just as fast "you have an alpha? I have to go" he abruptly left leaving me confused and lost "Kento! Kento! Where are you? Kenma! Kenma!" I heard Kouki say behind me before I was pulled away by another alpha "I saw your exchange earlier with that other alpha and I've gotta say you're too pretty to be lost in a mall alone. Come home with me and I'll make sure you're never lost again" I physically cringed "I have an alpha and I need to get back to him, now if you'll excuse me-" He pulled me towards the entrance so I yelled as loud as I could "Koutaro! Koutaro help me! He's pulling me to the exit" I released distress pharamones, tried to pull away, and kick but my attempts were futile because I was so small and lightweight "Kento!" I felt the weight released from my wrist and I looked up to see Bo tackling some guy to the ground "don't touch my omega" he growled loudly showing his authority. The guy looked horrified "B-B-Bokuto! What are you doing here" Kouki just growled more "Terushima what are YOU doing here? Where is your own mate?" The man named Terushima looked sad "yams left me for a higher alpha, I didn't know he was your mate" He swore up and down he didn't know that I had a mate "I thought he was being courted because I saw another alpha talking to him" I was practically begging not to be pummeled "Kouki it's alright, he didn't harm me and didn't know that I was mated. Just let him go so we can continue shopping" I was on the verge of tears "okay, as long as you're not hurt. Do you still wanna continue shopping? Or do you want to leave?".

After he asked he got a phone call "uh it's Kattie, I gotta take this. Take your time answering please" he answered the phone and held my hand "hell- damnit Kattie you're too loud" "well soooorry Mr sensitive ears. Mom has asked me to call you because she wants to wedding plan and go shopping with Kenma for the wedding attire. Can you tell him that mom would love to see him in a ball gown, I told her that he's a MALE omega and not all males like wearing dresses" I tugged on his hand "Kouki I'd like to wear a wedding dress, it seems fun. I've already bought skirts and dresses" I smiled up at him "okay, we'll be home in a bit, we're still shopping for him" he hung up the phone and looked at me "well let's continue, Teru wanna come with us?" He turned around and the male was gone "oh well, his family will get an invite and we'll see him later. Oh I just realized you'll meet some omegas that you'll see more often" he seemed pretty happy "I'm kinda tired now, let's go get some food and then head back to take a nap before we talk to your mom" I yawned and stretched "why don't you tell me more about these new omgeas" I pulled him towards the exit "well you already know Hinata umm there's Sugawara, Yachi, Oikawa, Atsumu, Suna, Yaku, and then there are the Betas you'll get to know, Daichi, Lev, Tendou, Kiyoko, and the other alphas besides Kuroo and Tsukki, there's Osamu, Sakusa, Iwaizumi, and of course Terushima" he counted off sixteen people "that- that's a lot of people, I'm not sure if I'll remember or not" I got nervous "it's alright you don't have to remember them all right away and some of them are rarely around and only here for parties or business deals. I'll show you who you'll have to remember" we finally made it back to the house which I realized was basically a castle with how huge it was.

Wazzup bitches!!? Tis I back with another chapter like the slow updater that I am lmaoo anyways I like this story and I'm legit using prewritten chapters because that's how far ahead I've thought. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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