I do!

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Gorgie's POV

I was in charge of last minute decorating and their colors and flowers were gorgeous. The decided on burgundy and yellow and roses and sunflowers "everything's so pretty Gorgie" mom came to see the venue "it was Kenma and Bo who picked everything, I just put it together for them" I hugged her "I can't believe that the youngest of us is getting married first, I would be jealous but I'm too happy to be" I laughed "go get Kenma the wedding will be starting soon, your brother is already here and freaking out so we'd better hurry and let everyone in" she walked back out and I left to get Kenma. I knocked and opened the door to let them know and saw Kenma was in his dress and his hair and makeup were done. They scurried around the room touching up makeup and zipping up outfits, Kawa yelled for Tsumu to help put Kenma's shoes on and Shoyo yelled for Kenma to put his veil on when he ran past me out the door. He suddenly stopped "where am I going? Who's walking me down the isle?" Shoyo caught up to him and placed the veil gently on the braids in his hair "Gorgie is walking you down the isle and let us just lead you there okay?" Akasshi soothed patting down loose ends of hair, he visibly relaxed at his touch and nodded his head.

I peeked throught the huge doors separating us from the crowd of people waiting for Kenma to come down the isle. I shut them back "alright everything is set, Akasshi you go first then Kawa and Iwa, Kiyoomi and Tsumu, Suna and Samu, and Shoyo and Tsukki then is Kenma and I last" I explained while the doors opened and everyone stood up "I'm scared Gigi" Kenma said squeezing my arm lightly "it'll be okay, you're getting married but it's not going to change anything except for your last name. If you need to we can wait just a little bit more back here" I rested my hand over his "no, no it's okay. If I stay here any longer Kouki will get worried and I don't want to worry him" he smiled and when it was our turn he took a deep breath and we walked forward down the isle.

I saw Bo about to cry seeing Kenma walking down the isle and when I handed him over I could see tears threatening to spill. The officiant spoke after everyone had sat back down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the uniting of mister Koutaro Bokuto and muster Kenma Kozume. Marriage is a binding between two people who want to spend eternity together and these two gentlemen have chosen to spend the rest of eternity with each other. Now bring us the candles" they were each given a candle "now repeat after me"

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."

They lit the candles and set them in a candelabra, they next got their rings and slipped them onto each other's fingers "now Koutaro, do you take Kenma to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Bo lit up "Yes!" "And Kenma do you take Koutaro to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Kenma's eyes got misty "yes I d-do" he stuttered "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss your groom" we clapped as they kissed "hell yeah! I'm fucking married guys!" Bo threw Kenma over his shoulder and ran down the isle "Koutaro you don't know where the reception is being held" mom yelled after them "I don't think he's going to the reception" Kattie growled "he is I'm sure of it, where there's food there's Bo" I said as we walked off towards the ballroom.

The next part is in Kenma's POV and it will be the reception and after that will be the spice😈🔥 anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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