👩🏽‍🍼Baby Fever👩🏽‍🍼

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Kenma's POV

I walked over to Suna and hugged him "what's up Kenmi?" I shook my head and rested my cheek against his back "you're warm" I could feel his heartbeat speed up "Ken can you stop hugging my mate? He's gonna have a heart attack" I playfully glared at Osamu "but Osa he's so warm and sharing is caring" I stuck my tongue out "yeah it may be but I marked him first" Osamu argued "well if it's marking you want" I bent Suns down and opened my mouth "Kento stop being a menace" Keiji chopped my head "oww I wasn't gonna actually do it" I rubbed my head and pouted at a stone faced Keiji "don't you even think about it" Kou came up and started massaging my shoulders, relaxing me "I wasn't gonna do anything, I-" I hunched over and grunted in pain "baby are you okay? What's wrong?" Kou asked worriedly "I'm okay, it will go- fuck!" I hunched over further "no you're not fine! Kemmi you're in labor" Suns exclaimed "there's no way I can be in labor right now! It's a good three weeks early!" I screamed in pain again "we need to get you to the hospital! Wait we didn't pack a bag or buy clothes or anything! We're so unprepared" Kou wailed "never fear, for we are here! Shobae and Keijibae go to the store and get bottles and diapers Tsumubae and Sunabae get baby clothes and make them gender neutral, I'll get Daichibae and we'll prepare the rest of your bags. Just go now and we'll meet you there!" Tori ordered as Kou picked me up and ran from our room.

"Kou it hurts! It hurts so bad!" I cried as we were driving to the hospital "I know baby, I'm trying to get there without breaking the sound barrier" I had a death grip on his arm "They're almost a whole month early! Why are they early?" We pulled into the emergency room "the doctor said that since it was twins the possibility of them being early was very high- babe your breaking my arm" I let go as Kou went to bring me a wheelchair. He quickly rolled me into the hospital and yelled for a nurse "alright let's get you to a room and changed into a gown" Kou followed him up the elevator and down a corridor to a huge hospital room "okay, let's get a gown and a heartbeat monitor on you" he went to a cabinet on the room and grabbed a green sheet "if you'll take this to the bathroom and get it on him but leave the back open" he handed it to Kou.

After getting the gown on the nurse helped me onto the bed where he put a heart rate monitor on me and started an IV drip "the doctor will be in soon and will explain the procedure of a ceseran" he left and we were alone long enough to gather our thoughts "we're gonna be parents? Kenma were gonna be parents! We don't even know the genders! Are they boys or girls?-" "Kou please stop rambling, it's making my head hurt-" I was interrupted by another contraction. There was a knock on the door "good evening Mr. Bokuto, I'm Dr. Ennoshita and I'll be delivering your babies today! I've heard that you also want a DNA test? We can do that as well and have it done by the end of the week. Any questions so far?" he looked up from his clipboard "um I just want to know about the ceserian and how it will work" Kou asked "it usually only takes about five or so minutes, we give you an anesthetic and some pain medicine. We essentially have to cut through eight layers of fat to be able to reach your babies and it takes only a couple minutes to stitch you back up and get you back in here with your children" I was scared at them cutting me open "I know that face, I've seen it on a lot of patients. This procedure is quick and easy, your husband can be in there with you" Dr. Ennoshita walked over to my IV drip and stuck a needle in it "this is the anesthetic, it should start working right away and my nurse will be back in to give you pain medicine and wheel you in the operating room. Mr. Bokuto you'll need some scrubs to wear so if you'll follow me, we'll get you ready" the doctor and Kou left and I was getting sleepy "Mr. Bokuto? Is the anesthetic working?" I heard the nurse but I couldn't see her so I mumbled a yes "okay, I'm going to take you to the operating room now and you should be out-" she suddenly stopped talking or I was out already.

I woke to warmth all around me "Kento? Do you want to know the genders or do you still want Tsumu and Kawa to surprise you?" I looked over to see Kou smiling down at me "Where are they? I want to see them!" I panicked "woah, woah, it's okay, it's okay they're in the NICU since they're a whole month early they're really tiny" I sighed in relief "Did Tori and Tsumi already get decorations ready and everything? Do you know the genders Kou?" I asked and he shook his head "nope, I passed out when they first cut you open and when they asked about the genders I told them I didn't want to know but to tell Tsumu and Kawa" I nodded in understanding "everyone is waiting to come in to hear the genders, are you okay to let them in? The nurses gave us special permission to allow everyone inside to hear" he beamed "Everyone can come in and hear the genders" I was so exhausted but I wanted to hear the genders and see my babies. Kou let everyone in that wanted to come and Tsumi and Tori took over "alright ladies and gentlemen, in this envelope I have the genders but first do we have any guesses? Kenmi do you have a guess?" Tsumi asked me "I think they're both boys" I guessed "I think girls, it would be fun to have girls" Kou chimed in "Anybody else have guesses?" almost everyone threw out their thoughts "okay, well everyone but Kenma, Kusa, and I thinks they're gonna be girls" Iwa pointed out. Tsumi and Tori were excited to open the envelope "just open it damn! You're taking too long" Suns grunted "fine, fine, drumroll please" Tori said dramatically "baby A is a boy!" Tsumi squealed "baby B is also a boy" Tori cried "I wanted a girl" Kou cried. I was going to comfort him but I was getting antsy waiting to see my babies, I tugged on his sleeve "Kou I'm exhausted and I just want to see our babies and name them" he could see my weary eyes and pout "okay, I'll tell everyone" Kou escorted everyone outside after they all bid us a goodnight. After everyone left a nurse walked in "Good evening Mr. Kenma and Mr. Koutaro are you ready to meet your babies-" "yes! I want to meet my babies!" I demanded "Kenma dear, calm down. We'll see them when they're ready" Kou caressed my hair.

Two nurses came in wheeling our babies in bassinets "Kou our babies! Our babies!" I tried to get out of bed but a sharp stinging pain went through my entire lower half "ah fuck!" I grunted laying back down "Kento, are you okay?" Kou asked walking back to me "yeah I'm okay, just a bit of pain is all" I waved him away "alright then" he walked over to the bassinets and picked up a black haired child "Kento he- he looks like you"

Two nurses came in wheeling our babies in bassinets "Kou our babies! Our babies!" I tried to get out of bed but a sharp stinging pain went through my entire lower half "ah fuck!" I grunted laying back down "Kento, are you okay?" Kou asked walking ...

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he brought him to me "oh baby what are we naming them? They're so adorable" he picked up the other baby who had bright white hair like he did "Kou he's an exact replica of you

I looked between the two males "I have a mini me" he had tears in his eyes "what about Yoru for the one I'm holding and Yoake for the one you're holding?" I suggested "night and daybreak? I love them, they're perfect" Kou came over and kissed my h...

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I looked between the two males "I have a mini me" he had tears in his eyes "what about Yoru for the one I'm holding and Yoake for the one you're holding?" I suggested "night and daybreak? I love them, they're perfect" Kou came over and kissed my head, we stayed like this holding our children and admiring the life I've created.

Kou wanted us to get settled into a home before the babies were born but since they were a month early we had to head back to his parents home "I'm sorry that nothing in the house is ready yet, I'll make sure that the house will be ready by the end of the week" Kou sat beside me on the bed "it's okay, your mother and sisters begged me not to leave until after your coronation" I leaned my head against his shoulder "I don't like having a nanny, I want our children in here with us until our palace gets done and they have their own room" I played with his fingers "very well then, but we still need a nanny when I have to be gone so you're not overwhelmed by taking care of the twins by yourself" I huffed "when you have to be gone and I feel overwhelmed I'll just come over here with your mother and sisters" he sighed "okay but promise me that you'll actually do it" I nodded and smiled.

Ayeee hallo how are ya? I love baby Yoru and Yoake they make me so happy 😊 I had to add pictures bc look at the adorableness, I'll overload on cuteness Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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