Happy Valentine's day

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Bokuto's POV

A week later Kenma was feeling a lot better "Happy Valentine's day Kou" My petite husband wrapped his tiny arms around my waist "happy Valentine's day, I have a special day planned for us along with a group date with the kids tonight that Kuro invited us too" I heard him groan "I wanted it to just be us and the twins today, are they up yet?" I laughed "yeah they're up, they wanted to make mommy a Valentine's day card, so they're in their room coloring" he let me go "that's so sweet, I'm going to get dressed, wait for me"

I went to get the boys shoes and coats on and saw Kenma packing their diaper bags "hey babe, you look hot in that dress" I complimented "thanks Kou, I didn't know whether to go with this one or the black one so I'm wearing this one now but I'm going to wear the other one when we have our group date" he gave me the biggest smile making my heart skip a beat "let's get the boys to Kattie so we can start this date" I kissed his cheek and went to start the car. After dropping the boys off with many goodbye kisses from mommy we were off to the restaurant I picked out "I picked it especially since you've never heard the food and because it's so delicious" I reached over and held his hand in my lap. We finally reached the restaurant that wasn't very far from home "Aka Kitsune? This is the new one that opened that has a long list, how'd you get reservations?" He looked excited "well I kinda know the owner, let's go inside" I pulled up and gave the keys to the valet "the inside is just as grand as outside, seriously how'd you convince the owner to get us a table?" He turned straight into Osamu "oh sorry Sammi- wait Sammi? You're the owner? This date just got even better" he was more excited than I had anticipated "of course, when Bo asked me for a reservation there was no hesitation in agreeing. I also got you the best view in the entire restaurant" he led us up a flight of stairs to the most amazing view of the Tokyo Tower "woah! What is that? That's so cool!" I laughed as my petite husband stared happily out the window as we were seated "have a moment to look over the menus a little bit, any drink preferences?" He pulled out a notepad "a blackberry lemonade for Kenma and a strawberry lemonade for myself" he wrote it down and excused himself "Kou this is amazing, you're amazing, I love you so so so much-" he leaned over the table to kiss me "-and we're alone, it makes me feel like we're VIP's at an exclusive event" he giggled and sat back down. Man I was so in love with this gorgeous human, if this is a dream I hope I never wake up.

"-Uki? -Kouiki? Bo! Koutaro!" I snapped out of my thoughts "what? What's wrong, are you okay?" I jumped up "everything's okay, you spaced out and I've been calling for a while now, our waiter is here" I looked over and saw a scared Goshiki "oh sorry Shiki, I didn't mean to scare you" I sat back down "it's okay Bokuto-san Sir!" He said overexcitedly "just Bokuto is fine Shiki, Kento have you ordered yet?" He nodded and I looked at the menu too "I'll just get what Kenma's having" I handed the menu back "I got shrimp fettuccine alfredo, you don't even like shrimp dear" I should've asked before I ordered "hey Shiki could you make mine chicken instead of shrimp please" I felt a bit embarrassed having to ask "of course, anything else?" I said no and he left us "what were you spacing out about?" He held my hand "I was just admiring your beauty, if this is a dream please never wake me up" he blushed crimson and looked away "don't look away. We've been together for over two years, I get the right to compliment you as much as I want to" I lifted his hand to kiss it "you're so embarrassing" he giggled "that's perfect, I'll always embarass you because I love you" he leaned across the table to kiss me "I love you too Kou and just know that I'll take all of your embarrassing compliments and raise you some sarcastic answers" I laughed and saw our food coming, as they were set in front of us I saw Kenma light up again "this looks delicious, thank you Shiki" he said clapping his hands twice. After I finished I just watched as he sat and watched the birds flying by "Kou sometimes I wish I were a bird instead of a wolf, then I could've flown away from all of my problems and lived a little freer-" "if that were true then we wouldn't have met or gotten married and had children" he frowned a bit "that could be true but I'd always find a way to you-" his phone started ringing "it's Sho, I should answer this" he stood up and walked to the window.

I took the chance to look at my phone. Seven missed calls and texts, I called Kuro "finally! I tried calling you seven times but no answer, what the hell could be so important?" I sighed "it's Valentine's day so I'm on a date with my husband duh" he gasped "holy shit I forgot! Dai's gonna be so mad! He doesn't want to leave yet so what am I supposed to do" Kenma suddenly took the phone from me "buy his favorite lunch and you give him a spa day, light some candles put rose petals in a bubble bath, some soothing music, have your boys make cards, and then massage his head, shoulders, and feet, in that order of course and then when that's all done you bring them to dinner tonight" I was surprised "thanks pudding, I gotta go now, see y'all tonight!" He said bye and handed my phone back "sorry it just seemed like you wouldn't know what to say and I know Dai better than you, just like you know Kuro better than me" I laughed "that makes sense, you think of everything" I pulled him onto my lap and kissed his cheek.

I know Valentine's day was months ago but it was when I wrote this originally. I keep forgetting to post my chapters, I always think I post them but when I look they're just in my drafts🤦🏽‍♀️ hope you like Kittybear out ✌🏼

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