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Bokuto's POV

It had been a week of radio silence before a woman in a maid outfit stumbled onto the property "where is she? Does she know where Kenma is?" I was getting anxious and feeling pain coming from my mark every five minutes wasn't making anything better "Koutaro you haven't slept for a week, you're no good to us tired" Kattie complained "if I could I most definitely would but Kenma's in pain and my mark just keeps burning and I'm stressing out and nobody is making anything better!" I was yelling again and I was breaking down "Kusa, Kuroo, Iwa I need you" I was ripping my hair out and clawing at my skin "Bo stop! You need to sleep, Kusa did you bring what I asked for?" Iwa said holding me down "yeah and I don't recommend using it but for Bokkuns case we have to" he pulled out a syringe and stuck it in my neck "Bo you're going to be just fine, you just need to calm down, and take a deep breath" Kawa said moving my head to his lap and combing his fingers in my hair "how do I calm down when my husband is missing and in pain" I was crying now and I couldn't move, my entire body basically shut down "we found him, Anya the lady we found in the woods knows where he is and is willing to take us to him but you have to be calm and don't rush into anything" Kawa smiled down at my  tear stained face "I promise to be calm as long as we can get him home tonight"

We had already planned how we would take him down, all we needed was his exact location and we finally had it. After speaking with Anya and agreeing to her terms we set out to find my mate and destroy Kageyama. I let everyone have their fun with kageyama's army before I went in to find him myself "Bo he's in the room with Kenma! Anya found them" I followed Anya's scent to a room almost hidden behind a wall. I burst into the room to see Kageyama standing over Anya who had a black eye and Kenma draped over a bed like a discarded blanket. I didn't know who to go to first but decided to beat the shit out of Kageyama while Kenma was unconscious "Anya run to Kenma!" I punched Kageyama when he turned to me and I kept punching him over and over until I was dragged off him by Kuroo "don't kill him yet, go to Kenma. We got this" I gladly ran to my husband who upon further inspection was conscious but his eyes were dead as he looked up at me. I couldn't help but cry at all the bruises and blood there was "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough" he whispered making me cry harder and lift his frail body to my own and run from there.

I didn't know where I was going but when I showed up at the hospital I knew what I had to do "I need help! Please!" I yelled when I walked in the emergency room. Nurses and doctors crowded me and took him from my arms "no! Give him back!" I ran after them but was stopped by a nurse "sir you need to wait in the waiting room. We'll have someone get some information from you in a minute" I stopped and nodded knowing I couldn't do much else. I dialed Kuroo's number to tell him where we were and to have him bring Shoyo and Kawa to me, when they arrived I explained what happened and what I saw "why did that jerk have to find him again? What did he ever do to deserve any of this!?" Shoyo wailed as Kawa held him in his arms "I don't know but we have to gather everyone else and tell them he's been found" Kawa responded "I already told Daichi to gather everyone" Kuroo walked up behind us "Mr. Bokuto? Kenma's asking for you" a nurse said asking me to follow her.

She stopped in front of a huge door "he's in here, please be careful he's in a lot of pain and we're not supposed to do this but he demands to talk to you before we can touch him" I nodded and walked in. My heart shattered seeing him look so fragile laying in the hospital bed "Kouki? Is that you?" I heard his voice crack "yes Kento it is, I'm here" I knelt beside the bed and held his hand "am I dead? I can't feel anything but everything hurts at the same time" tears were waterfalling down his cheeks "you're not dead thank God but I don't know about Kageyama. I think I killed him, or Kuroo did, I don't remember" I smoothed down his hair and kissed his forehead "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to fight him, it's all my fault" my soul crumbled "this was never your fault, what he did wasn't acceptable in any way shape or form, he should rot in hell for what he's done to you but for now the nurses have to check you baby, we all need to know that you're physically okay" he nodded and I went to get the nurse again. Back in the waiting room I saw that everyone had gathered, even Kattie and dad came "how is he? Is he okay? I'm going to kill that man!" My mom ran to me "we won't know if he's physically okay until the nurses check him out first and he blames himself for being too weak" I sobbed into my mom's shoulder as she held me like a small child.

Uhh do you hate me yet? Don't worry this is getting to the end of the angst, the next chapter will be the end of the angst. Does anyone have any complaints? Questions? Comments on this would be grateful. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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