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Kenma's POV

I woke up to an empty bed again, I sat up to find Bokuto sitting in the lounge "Kouki what are you doing over there?" I slid out of bed and walked to him "Kouki?" He stood abruptly "I don't want you anymore" he pushed me backwards "w-what but why?" he looked scary "I'm bored of you, you're just too much to handle and you have too much baggage for me to love you. You may be a virgin but someone else has touched you which is unacceptable. I've already packed the things you brought, but I'm giving the clothes I bought to my sisters because you don't look good or deserve them" he growled at me. I was fully crying "but what about you saying you loved me? You bought me clothes, we opened up to each other, your mother and sisters like me" he pushed me out the door "they were just lying to you to make you feel better, nobody wants a lowly, broken omega like you" he slammed the door in my face.

I sat up in a cold sweat 'it was just a dream?' I felt the bed dip as Bokuto rolled over and sat up too "have a nightmare kitten?" He asked in a husky voice. I flinched when he reached for me "s-sorry, yeah I had one" I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me into his lap. He started rocking and running his hands through my hair "I'm not good at singing but I'll hum your song" and he did, for an hour before I could fall asleep. The next morning I woke up still in his arms and he was leaned back on the headboard, his mouth was slightly ajar to which I giggled a bit. He twitched a bit scaring me "sorry if I scared you" he sat up and kissed my forehead "Just a little bit, I guess I'm still jumpy from last night" I laughed a bit "can you tell me now what it was about? If you feel comfortable that is" I held his hand and took a deep breath "I had a dream that you left and told me that you'd never love a broken and lowly omega like me. You told me other things that I don't remember and you slammed the door in my face" I was squeezing his hand before I realized I was hurting him "s-sorry" I quickly let go "no, no if squeezing my hands make you feel better do it. I know that I'd never say those things to you or force you to leave. I've already grown attached to you" I crawled into his lap and started purring and released calming pharamones "want to have breakfast in bed today?" I just nodded and curled into a smaller ball on his lap and pushed my face into his chest.

Bokuto's POV

1 day till the wedding

I was getting scared and was pacing the room like a madman "Bo you'll be okay, he's not gonna disappear" Kuroo had been repeating that for the past hour "yeah you're gonna wear a hole in the floor" Iwaizumi joked "can we please just enjoy your bachelor's weekend please" Osamu and Sakusa were sitting on the couch bitching about me not having fun "Bo I love you but you're being too paranoid, enjoy tonight. I'm sure Kenma is having a good time with Shoyo and his friend Akasshi. If you want I'll call your sister and check on them" Tsukkishima asked "no, they don't know what we're doing so why should we know what they're doing" Osamu butted in "fine, fine I won't but can we get some drinks in here?" I called the front desk of the hotel. After hours of drinking I was finally having a good time "Bo I really don't need to know every detail of what you're going to do to Kenma" Sakusa groaned "but he's so tiny and soft and I've been holding back from fucking him into the mattress every time we cuddle" I was clearly drunk as fuck because I wouldn't shut up "okay it's almost three am you need to go sleep so we can go out on the town tomorrow and get our suits" Iwaizumi chimed in "but I feel fineee, I'm not tired-" and the last thing I heard was Sakusa saying "and he's out".

A timeskip because why not🤷🏽‍♀️and I absolutely love Bokuto being all lovey and protective of our Kenma☺️ anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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