Night terror

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"Ken Doll are you still asleep?" I sat up in bed to see Kageyama cradling one of the twins in his arms "K-kageyama what are you doing here?" I was terrified to move "you didn't tell me that you bore my pup so I'm going to take him from you along with his twin, you're unfit to mother a child let alone two. You should just die and make everyone's lives a little bit better or you can come with me and bare me more pups. It's your choice" he walked out of my room and I tumbled out of bed to chase after him. I ripped open the door and fell down the stairs not noticing that the houses layout changed underneath me "Kageyama bring my children back now!" I heard laughter all around me "Please bring them back, I'll- I'll go with you" he suddenly appeared in front of me and pulled me outside.

"Kenma! Kento! Ken-" "don't shake him too hard Bo!" I suddenly sat up screaming "oh my god Kento you're okay!" I was crushed in a hug "we were so worried about you" Tori said wiping tears off my face "what happened baby? I heard screaming and yelling, Tooru came to get me from downstairs" I began to cry again "it- it was Kageyama, it felt so real" Tooru joined our hug "you almost gave me a heart attack, I'm glad it was just a nightmare" I sat and cried into their arms "maybe we should see that therapist the doctor recommended, at least once" I didn't want to but it couldn't hurt so I just nodded "Sorry Ken but I think I'll sleep in the guest room and let Bo stay here" he slipped from the hug and closed our door. Once laid back down "Kou am I a good mom?" I lay on his chest not looking at him "what brought this on all of a sudden? You're an amazing mom and anyone who tells you otherwise is just jealous" he ran his hand through my hair making me purr a little "my nightmare was about that, Kageyama had the babies and called me unfit so he took them from me, he wouldn't let me have them unless I went home with him again" his hand stopped and he lifted my head to look at him "that man is gone now, let's book an appointment with a therapist at least once so we can try to stop these nightmares" I reluctantly agreed and a week later I was seeing a therapist regularly.

Super sorry chapter, it was supposed to be apart of the last one but I decided to break it up because it would've been too long but that just made this chapter too short😩 oh well the next chapter should be out soon, anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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