Safe Space😌

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Kenma's POV

"well that was fun, Sawa have you wanted to have kids with Kuroo?" I questioned "I uh- yeah but I can't ever bring it up around him. I'm too shy to mention it" he blushed and turned away "that's unacceptable! Let's go!" I got up and dragged him out of the room "Wait where are we going? Kenmi what are we doing?" I drug him all the way to Kou's man cave where I swug the doors open "Tetsuro Kuroo I need you here now!" Daichi struggled against my grip on his wrist "I uh y'all good? What's wrong Dai?" Kuroo and Kou ran over to us "Daichi has something he wants to tell you and you better listen closely!" I pushed him forward "uh mm umm- I can't do this Kenmi! I'm too scared!" He turned to hide in my neck making Kou growl a bit "okay, I'll do it for you" I rubbed his back and looked at Kuroo "Tetsuro Kuroo do you want kids? Answer carefully or so help me" I glared at the tall bed-headed male "I- of course I do, as long as Dai wants kids I'd happily give him some" I softened my glare and Sawa looked happy and relieved at his answer "there ya go, no need to be shy Sawa" I patted his back "where's my Atsu?" "And Tooru? Where is my baby?" Iwa and Sakusa asked "they went to plan my gender reveal and baby shower. Oh Yoomi I need to talk to you in a bit and Iwa too" I sat in a chair tiredly and almost fell asleep "kitten? Let's get you back to our room- I had fun catching up guys but I need to tend to my mate now" he effortlessly picked me up and carried me back upstairs. "No, no stay with your friends, you hardly get to see them now. I'll be okay with my omegas and we can make another nest to sleep in" I yawned again "are you sure? I can come to bed and cuddle you, I can even sing your song for you" I smiled at his cuteness "I'll be okay, I have my omegas and they're my safe space away from you" I kissed his nose when we made it to our room "okay, I'm heading back downstairs but if I feel like something's wrong I'm coming back up here and I'm not leaving" he kissed my head and went back downstairs.

Opening the door I was hugged by Sho and Keiji "we heard your mate being all lovey dovey" Rin gagged "don't be jealous Rinny" Sho teased "I'm not jealous, Samu's not a touchy or lovey dovey person so I'm not" he shrugged "nuh uh, no way, your mate needs to be all over you all the time, Suns you're gorgeous and if I were Osa I'd have a really hard time keeping my hands off you" he blushed "we uh- we haven't done anything since we marked each other" I gasped "no fucking way! Why? What the hell is wrong with him?" Sho exclaimed "he doesn't want kids so we haven't been intimate after he marked me" I was boiling with anger "do you want children Suns?" He nodded "Sho, Keiji, I have someone to beat the shit out of- Suns let's go!" I left the room again to deal with another mate "Kemmi please don't, he doesn't want kids and he won't change his mind on it" he tried to hold me back but Keiji stopped him "when Kenma has his mind set on making someone happy he won't budge no matter what, especially when it comes to children. If you want to know more just ask him yourself" I heard as I went back to the man cave.

I slammed the doors open angrily "Osamu Miya! Front and center now!" everyone looked between me and him confused "whatever it is I didn't do it! I swear!" He scurried to me "Iwa and Yoomi why don't you two come here too. I'd like to speak to you guys privately" I spun around and left for the library "why are we here? Is everything alright?" Yoomi said sitting on a chair "you three love to neglect your mates feelings, don't you?" I glared at them "wha- wait what? When did I say that?" Iwa asked "you didn't say it but I've watched you guys closely and none of your mates smell strongly of any of you. Wanna explain why you're not smelling of them either?" They looked at each other "Kenma can we calm down here-" "calm down! You want me to calm down? Your mates need the comfort of their alphas! Osamu why isn't Suns sleeping in your bed with you, his mate? Haijime why does Tooru get more affection from me more than you? Kiyoomi Sakusa you need to treat Atsumu with more love, I know that you have mysophobia but come on you guys have mated each other please stop treating him like he's a disease!" I was fuming and yelling in what should be the quietest place in the mansion "have our mates put you up to this?" Osamu looked pissed "no they haven't as a matter of fact Suns begged me not to, Tori and Tsumi are somewhere planning my baby shower and gender reveal as we speak so they don't know either. Now answer my damn questions already!"

I had to sit down and calm myself a bit "I'm a busy man with a business and a pack to run, Tooru knows that and hasn't said anything about more affection, I give him what he asks for" Iwaizumi defended "Rin wanted his own bed so I gave him one along with his own room to make him comfortable, he doesn't complain about it so why should you?" Osamu growled "Tsumu is my everything and I'm trying to show more affection but I need time to get comfortable with human interaction" Kiyoomi just looked defeated. I sighed "Kiyoomi I see that and I'm happy you're trying but maybe try just a little bit harder you can go back to Koutaro now but you two" I pointed to Iwaizumi and Osamu "Sit down and I'm going to tell you what your mates really want" they quickly complied as Kiyoomi left "Haijime, Tori really wants you to be around more often and stop working all the time he's lonely and needs you and Osamu, Suns wants intimacy and you haven't given it to him so he goes looking for me to comfort him. Are you guys seriously that out of tune with your mates?" I was tired of talking to them but for my omegas sakes I have to "I- I didn't know that Tooru was lonely, I guess I just never noticed because I work non-stop" Haijime said "Rin hasn't said anything about being intimate so I just assumed he didn't want any. What did he tell you?" Osamu looked pissed "you really want to know? Suns wants a baby but he told me that you didn't want one so he stayed quiet, all an omega wants is children and by you not wanting any that completely crushes him. Do you not see it? The way he looks at my stomach and always wants to feel the babies kick. He wants his own and you're robbing him of that" I calmly explained "I didn't mean I never want any kids, I thought I said that having a child would be hard on his body but I would never say I don't want any" he deflated "Suns would never lie to me and I could tell it was hard for him to tell me about it. He also said you've not been intimate since you marked him, is that true?" He looked away from me "I'm afraid of breaking him, he's just so fragile I'm scared he's going to break at any touch" I stared "you're not taking him into consideration at all, talk to him, come to a compromise, maybe go to a doctor. Have you ever even kissed or hugged him?" he looked at everything but me "I do sometimes but it's so scary to me" he started crying "you do know who my mate is right? He's literally three times my size and I havent broken in half yet" Haijime laughed "now go talk to your mates, Haijime make more time with Tori and Osamu talk to Suns and see if he is open to seeing a doctor or compromising on when to have kids. Now leave me, I'm tired" they thanked me and walked out.

Ayo I like feisty Kenma, already like a stern mother lmaooo I know that I wrote him as a bit weak in the beginning but I personally started to hate that trope. Sorry for the little rant anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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