Sleepy babies

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Bokuto's POV

After Kyo came back without Iwa and Samu; Teru, Tsukki and I all got a bit worried "where's Haijime and Osamu?" Tetru asked "Kenno's killing them with facts" Kyo laughed "well I guess we wait to see what happened" Teru said walking over to my tv "anybody up for a Resident Evil co-op" I sat on the couch "hand me the controller" after being chased around and dying for an hour Iwa and Samu came back in the room "I heard that Kemmi ripped you guys a new one" Tsukki said "I wouldn't say that but he did do a lot of yelling and I think he fell asleep in there, I called Keiji and Sho to get him" Kyo informed "I told him to go to sleep as soon as he went back to our room, he's doing way too much right now. Guys I seriously should go to him now and make sure he's okay" I hopped up and left the room.

Entering our room I saw him soundly sleeping on top of Shoyo and between Keiji and Rintarou "Theyve been like that for the past thirty minutes" I heard Tsumu whisper behind me successfully giving me a heart attack "I think it's super cute, from what I've seen Kenmi loves to be surrounded by warmth and calmness well besides Sho who is chaos incarnate" Tooru laughed "Where have you two been?" They both held out their bags of decorations "we went shopping and came back a little while ago, why, what happened?" I chuckled "ask your mates, they're the reason he's so tired today" they looked stunned "What? What happened?" Tooru asked already leaving the room with Tsumu on his heels. I might've messed up "wait I didn't mean it like that! Come back!" I shut the door and chased them back to my man cave "Haijime Iwaizumi what did you do to piss Kenmi off?" Tooru asked a scared looking Iwa "Yes Kiyoomi Sakusa what did you do?" Tsumu was angry "Atsu it's all okay, we talked and everything's alright now" Kyo walked up and hugged Tsumu who gasped in surprise "O-Omi? You're hugging me? Are you okay?" I noticed Kyo shaking really bad "I- I'm o-okay, I need to do this. Atsu hug me back please" Tsumu cautiously hugged him back and Kyo stopped shaking "I'm going to ask what made you do this Omi? Don't give yourself another panic attack" he let go and shivered a bit "I'm trying to give you more affection, Kenno let me know that you need it from me and I'm trying" Tsumu was on the verge of tears "oh Omi I know you're trying and I I've been waiting and I'll wait as long as it takes, can I kiss you?" Kyo just leaned down to kiss him.

After a while everyone settled down after Iwa got a stern talking to by Kawa "Alright, I think that we've had a very lively day. Tsukki, Teru, and Samu, your mates are upstairs asleep with Kenma if you were wondering and Kū, Daichi is making dinner with my sisters if you guys don't mind staying for dinner that is" I wanted for everyone's answer before checking on Kenma again "Tsukki, Teru, Samu, do ya wanna come check on our mates with me?" They nodded and followed me upstairs where our mates hadn't move an inch "I'm surprised that Sho can breathe under everyone, are we sure that he's not dead?" Samu commented, just then we heard Shoyo groan and try to roll over making everyone shift and push Suna off the bed "Ouch! What the hell you guys?" He shot off the ground "I'm sorry Suns, Sho wanted to move" Kenma apologized "Kemmi you don't have to say sorry" Suna turned to us "were you guys just watching us sleep? How weird" I took the time to realize that it was creepy "Oh uh I came to check on Kenma and they came to check on you guys, that's it" I tried to explain "aw Kou that's so sweet" Kenma got up and pulled me down to kiss my cheek "Kei were you worried about me?" Sho asked putting his head on Kenma's shoulder and wrapping his arms around him making Tsukki and I growl a bit "hush you two" Kenma growled. We were taken aback "you'll be fine, you big babies" Sho said sleepily "anyways I had him first so suck it" he stuck his tongue out and just to piss us off he licked his neck right beside his mark "ayo Tsukki get your mate before I kill him" I said in the most calm voice I've ever heard "nah I think if Sho does one more thing or move wrong in any way he knows what's about to happen" Tsukki smirked. I saw Shoyo physically shudder "I- uh sorry Kei" he let him go and went to stand beside Tsukki "y'all are no fun" Kenma went to hug Suna from behind.

Ayeee I'm not dead...yet😭😂 but I realized that I was writing this in my Google notes and forgot to post here🤦🏽‍♀️ so I have a shit ton of chapters so expect a chapter dump until I catch up to my prewritten chapters anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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