Love and Magic

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Bokuto's POV

I finally reached the end of the driveway and parked closest to the front door as I could and helped Kenma out "can I take the blindfold off now?-" "no keep it on for just a bit longer, we're almost there" I took his hands and led him up the porch stairs. I let go of him and opened the door "can I take it off now?" I said no again and led him inside shutting the door behind us "okay, go ahead" I said untying it and looking at his face "oh my god Kou, is this our house? It has to be, I love it" he started crying as I showed him around the ground floor "-and this is our room, I hope you like it" I started getting shy "Kou I- I don't know what to say, I- I love it" I hugged him from behind and we stood in our new room for what seemed like hours just soaking up what was going to be our new life.

Kenma's POV

A month later we were all moved in and had a house warming party with all of our friends "KenKen this is so cool, he even gave you a game room-" "the house is a bit small for twins though" Tori interrupted "I wanted to keep it small, having the boys upstairs even right now scares me" we all settled into a different conversation. We were interrupted by Samu asking for everyone's attention "I uh I didn't think this through very well-" "we're pregnant! Sorry Samu I couldn't hold it in" Suns blurted out "oh my god more babies! Well if we're giving good news, Sho is too" Tori said "hey that was my news to share! Well Tsumu is too!" I laughed "did everyone decide to have babies?" everyone but Keiji and Tori answered yes "Keiji, Tori? No kids yet?" I asked a bit later "Teru and I just want a year or so just to ourselves, I'm a bit scared to have children honestly" I hugged him "if you want to wait them by all means don't let us pressure you, Tori? Is Iwa busy again?" He pouted "yes but I know that we can't have one yet, neither of us is ready and we'd have to move our lives around to accommodate another life, it sounds selfish but I want to live without kids just a bit longer" I added him to the hug "that's not selfish at all, not everyone wants kids right away, it wasn't our plan but it happened anyways and I'm glad that it did-" "guys the party is over here- Tooru why're you crying?" Tsumi asked "because you're pregnant along with Rinny, and the Miya family is growing fast because I know someone is gonna have twins, and Daichibae and Tetsu are defiying the odds with having a baby, and Sho's gonna surprise us all with a baby as big as he is" Iwa came over and hugged him "I think it's time to go home Tooru, congratulations on the house Kenma we'll come visit real soon" they left and something didn't feel right "is it just me or is Tori really torn about something?" I just couldn't think of what "maybe he really was wanting a baby but he's trying to brush it off by saying they're not ready yet" Tsumi sighed "he'll tell us when he's ready to and I'm not sure if he'll ever be" we went back to the party and had a great time until everyone decided to go home.

A week later I called Tori, Tsumu, Dai, Keiji, Shoyo, and Suns over "welcome to my humble abode, the twins and Kou are at his parents house for a while" I had everyone but Tori come early "did I walk into an intervention?" Tori laughed when we walked into the livingroom. His laughter died down when none of us laughed with him "wait, so it is? What for, I didn't do whatever you're thinking I promise-" "no, no it's noting like that, I'm just worried about you. I know that you were lying about waiting on a baby, you don't have to tell us what is really going on but tell us why you lied at least" he looked extremely uncomfortable "I want to say something but I-" "if you think we're going to judge you, you should be ashamed of yourself. You know that we would never ever make fun or judge you for anything" I pulled him down beside me on the couch "I uh- well" he began crying "Iwa and I are separating and it's all because I can't have a baby-" "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch! He's fucking dead to me-" "KenKen calm down, let him finish" Shoyo comforted "no please don't kill him, I'm leaving him because he needs someone to give him pups and I can't do that-" I stood up and slapped him across the face "Kenma! What are you doing?!" Keiji yelled "Tooru Oikawa Iwaizumi don't you dare! That man loves you and will not care about having biological pups or not. Have you even asked his opinion on this because it sure as hell doesn't seem like you did. Tsumi, Daichi I have a question" the said men looked at me "If you were Tori's mate, would you leave because he couldn't bare you any pups? No be as honest as possible" they looked a bit appalled "I wouldn't care at all, if Tooru wanted to adopt we would or if he wanted a surrogate. As long as he was happy" Daichi said "I agree with Dai, with Tooru's personality and looks I wouldn't ever leave him for anything-" "Sorry Tooru but I have to disagree, I would be devastated not having children. I'm being as honest as possible here and I don't want to hurt feelings but that's my opinion and I shouldn't be said anything" Suns said backing down after I glared at him "Thanks guys, I needed my omegas help and I didn't realize it" Tori cried into my shoulder and I told him to stay the night and had Daichi call Iwa to let him know.

Ayo I keep forgetting to update😅 I have it in my notes but it keeps getting pushed off for my smutshots which also isn't updated yet and Spring Break and I think I took on too much for myself right now. I think something will be put off until I get back into being able to write as much as I want. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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