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Bokuto's POV

"God Gorgie you're too loud" I smacked my hand over her mouth to shut her up "I'm sorry, I'm just excited because Kattie doesn't let me anywhere near her with a brush or make up or even dresses. You're a boy and dad would kill me if I made you up, he already hates that I'm into women" I could hear the pity party coming "do you see who I brought home as my mate?" I whispered "I'm into guys and dad still doesn't know, I don't know if I'll ever tell him." I sighed "well he's gonna know because your mate is a guy but he's an omega so dad might make an exception since you could have children with him" she was thinking out loud I could tell "I have to bare children?" I heard Kento behind us "oh Kenmi how long have you been there?" Gorgie asked "hey doll" I walked up and squished his cheeks and kissed his forehead "when would I have to bare children?" He wasn't backing down "I don't know, I turn twenty one in three months and my father expects children from me soon" I sighed and let go of his face "I'm nineteen, I don't think I'm ready for a child yet" he stated "I'll have to talk with my father about it but for now we have to go to brunch with mother. It's a rare occasion so we have to be there but I'll send for you afterwards so you can meet mother" I kissed his cheek and left with my sister.

My mother had us sitting in the garden under her gazebo "I hope you find this brunch will be a family bonding experience" my mother said making us sit "Koutaro I hear that you've not found a mate yet after her" she took a sip of her orange juice "I'm trying mother, I'd like to speak more about it after brunch" I sighed heavily. She had placed me in-between my sisters on purpose "is there a reason you asked for us here today mother?" Kattie asked "do I need a reason to be with my own children?" Mother asked back "no mother, you never need a reason to see us, well me at least" I said reaching across and holding her hand "yeah mom, I'm always here if you want to talk or just be together" Gorgie added, we looked over at Kattie to say something but she just stood up "if there is nothing more to say, I have to train. Good day" she bowed and left "Kattie come back here!" I yelled "I said good day!" She stormed away back inside "honestly I didn't think she'd even show up, she's been training really hard over the past few months and she won't say why" mother looked exhausted "there's something you're not telling us. There's more than just wanting to see us, are you okay? How is your health?" I asked "honestly, I brought you here to tell you that the cancer has come back and it's worse, the doctors say I might not make it this time" she started tearing up "no mom, you have to make it! You have to meet my mate and see us have children and be a grandma and you, you can't leave me" my sudden outburst scared both Gorgie and my mother "Kō, dear you'll be alright I promise. You will meet someone and have children even if Im not here to see them, I'll be with our Moon Goddess looking over you" she started coughing "Gorgie go get him! She needs to see! Hurry!" I ordered my sister to fetch Kenma from my room. She ran from the gardens "I'm on it" she yelled "mom drink some water, you'll feel better. Orange juice will just burn" I held out my water to her which she gladly took. Minutes later Gorgie ran back into the garden with Kenma slung over her shoulder "he's surprisingly very light" she set him down beside me in Katties forgotten chair "sorry Kemmi it was urgent" Gorgie said laughing at his messy hair and oversized shirt "he was taking a nap so I picked him up" she continued "sorry Kento" I looked at my mom "mother this is Kenma my mate, Kenma this is my mother and the Luna of our pack Mai" he looked a bit confused but masked it immediately "it uh it's nice to meet you ma'am" he said timidly "oh my goodness you're just absolutely beautiful" my mother stood and rounded the table to hold his face. She moved his head side to side and squished his cheeks "Kō I love him already" she hugged him and looked at me "so when's the wedding?" Kenma looked horrified "we haven't decided if we want a wedding, we haven't talked about it yet" I scratched my neck "well we need to plan everything! Kenma are you going to wear a suit or a dress? I honestly can't tell your style and Kō doll we need cake flavors and-" she started coughing again "mother I don't think Kenma is comfortable with a huge wedding, maybe we have something small with just family and friends" I said handing her some more water "I umm I'll be fine with a big wedding" Kenma said in a small voice "oh really! Let's start planning now! Gorgie gather your father and sister and Kenma dear do you have anyone you want at the wedding?" Mother asked "umm there are only a few people at the inn I'd like to be there but there aren't many and I don't have family to ask" he shrugged "oh honey we'll invite anyone you want" at that time Gorgie returned with father and Kattie "I fucking knew it! You guys lied to me! Why would you hide a whole human being from me?" Kattie accused looking at Kenma who tried to hide "now now Kattie leave them be, they had to have had their reasons for it" mother soothed petting Kenma's hair who started purring a bit "our son's mate is a male omega? What a rare breed now days" father said staring Kenma down "w-what? Rare breed?" He asked "let's not talk about that now when we have a wedding to plan, Gorgie write this down" mother said listing off things we need to do to prepare "Gorgie and Kattie you'll help Kenma get comfortable and ready to live here, Ben darling you'll invite the other alphas and their wives, Kō and Kenma you decide on cake flavors, color schemes, bridesmaids and groomsmen, what you're going to wear, invitations and uhm umm if I think of anything else I'll tell you. Gorgie did you get all of that?" Mom said walking away from Kenma "were you purring? Are you sure your not a cat? That's more adorable" I leaned his head on my shoulder "I've been told that I do that a lot, I don't mean to but your mom made me feel safe and I purr when I'm safe" he said quietly 'ill have to remember that' I smiled to myself "Kō, Kenma, Gorgie can y'all go out and get Kenma more clothes and Kattie can you make sure our warriors are ready" she waves us off "Koutaro if you don't mind I'd like to speak with you, alone" father said "of course, Kenma I'll see you in a bit" I kissed his head and followed my father.

Man I have five stories on here lmaoo but I think this might be my second favorite one. It's coming along really well I think. Anyways KittyBear out ✌🏼

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