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Edit: ⚠️🛑🚨 where the rape starts

Kenma's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, opening my eyes I realized I was back in my old room and tied to a chair "you're finally awake, good morning master Kenma" I looked to the voice and saw Anya the new head maid "what am I doing here? Where is Koutaro? And why am I tied to a chair?" I pulled against the restraints around my wrists "you can't escape them, master had a witch bind them, master is very angry with you for running away. He said you can't leave this room until you promise you won't run away" she looked away from me "Anya I can't do that! I'm already mated and can't be here!" I wailed "I can't go against master's wishes. He chose me this time and if you leave I'll be cast aside too just like Pitou was!" She quickly covered her mouth "Pitou? What do you mean he cast her aside? Anya what aren't you telling me?" I was getting angry "I've said too much I need to tell master you're awake" she ran from the room as I screamed for her.

I was pulling at my restraints and even trying to bite them before he came in "oh Kenma darling I'm so glad you're home. I know you thought you were playing a game but you scared me so don't do that again" I glared at the man in front of me "I wasn't playing a game Tobio. I ran away because you're crazy and almost killed me multiple times! You treat me like a slave and just used me as a trophy that you could show off to others! I hate you!" I spat, he just came closer. He grabbed my chin and turned my head "ah what a lovely mark you have here" he brushed his fingers over Kou's mark on my shoulder, I unintentionally shuddered under his touch "oh so your body remembers my touch huh? That's great news. I bet your little mate is gonna feel this" he kissed me and my mark burned my shoulder, no matter how much I screamed he pulled me closer by the back of my head "your muffled screams are like music to my ears, I'll have some fun later but for now I have to move you- Jacqueline bring it in!" A petite woman wearing a cheesy witch costume came in with a small briefcase in her hand "I need the blue liquid first" she opened the case and handed Tobio a needle with a blue liquid in it "it's very potent so use it sparingly" she warned as he stuck the needle into my neck "what the hell?! What is that?" I started feeling horribly sick "it's just a scent nullifier, it won't hurt you" she scoffed "now the red one, and this better be quick or else" she handed him another and he injected it into my neck on the other side "why're you doing-" I was cut off as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next time I awoke I was in another room and I was handcuffed to a bed "are you feeling okay? The dumb witch said you'd only be out a few hours but you were out for a whole day" Freya growled "Freya what are you doing here? Where even is here? What's going on?" I had so many questions that weren't getting answered "I'm not allowed to say where we are in case you're mind link started working. Im here because I was put in charge of you until master comes back. Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She sat at the end of the bed "I am but I'm scared to eat or drink anything here" I started tearing up "Master won't tell anyone his plans but he needs you in perfect health. I'm afraid for your safety because the maids gossip and what they're saying I don't even want to repeat it's so disgusting" she looked at me with teary eyes "I- Freya please help me escape, I can't stay here waiting for him to do something" I reached out for her but she stood and turned her back "master will kill me, I can't risk it-" we heard the door open "Freya you're free to go, your master is back and he's coming in shortly" the witch from yesterday came in. Freya bowed and left us quietly "I don't know what it is about you that Tobio likes, you're just a scrawny, helpless boy-" she was suddenly tossed to the side "you dare speak against my Kenma? Get out!" Tobio growled as she scurried out the door slamming it shut.


I was terrified and scooted as far from him as I could almost falling off of the bed "ah ah don't run away now doll" he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him riding my dress up my thighs showing my nonexistent underwear "it's my lucky day, first you come home to me, then you're wearing such a cute sweater for me, and now you're not wearing any underwear for me? You spoil me" he rubbed his hands up my thighs and I tried to kick him "aw you're no fun, I didn't want to do this but you've left me no choice" he pulled handcuffs from his back pocket and cuffed my ankle to the footboard "Tobio think about what you're about to do! You're going to ruin your own life when Koutaro finds out, that is if you still have a life after he's done!" He just laughed in my face and gripped my uncuffed ankle "you think I don't know that? I had a whole plan in action after I found out you were going to be mated and I know that you're fertile right now" the realization hit me like a truck "you want to get me pregnant so I'll stay" I tried to kick and hit him but he was too strong and held my wrist and ankle down "you've gotten smarter since you've been gone, you can't escape me so do stop trying dearest" all I could do now was cry as I tried to escape his grasp "you tease me truly but I want to hear sweet moans of pleasure and not your crying" he let go of my ankle to take his pants off and I took the opportunity to kick him as hard as I could, he fell backwards "you little bitch! I was gonna be gentle with you but I've changed my mind" he took his pants all the way off and moved the cuff around my ankle to where I was on all fours "please don't-" he abruptly shoved two fingers into me making me scream in pain "ah that's what I wanted to hear, the sweet sweet screams of my omega" he started thrusting them in and out at a rapid pace "Stop! That hurts! Please stop! Stop!" I wailed to no avail.

He finally stopped but I didn't get a chance to catch my breath before he thrust his dick into me and pounded into me at an ungodly pace "oh my god, you feel so good" he moaned enjoying my pain. My mind shut off and my body went completely limp and as he finished I just laid there crying my eyes out. "Master Kenma?" Anya carefully walked in the room and cleaned me up "why me?" I whispered as she held and rocked me while singing Pitous song "I'm going to help you" she laced into the song, I hummed in response before falling into a troubled sleep.


I am deeply sorry for the way this story went😔 please if anyone has had this happen to you and you need to talk, I'm here. It's happened to me and I want to bring that awareness to light. I love all of my readers and don't be afraid to speak up for yourself or talk with someone. Kittybear respectfully leaves❤️

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