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Bokuto's POV

After my sister's left I could tell that Kenma was getting sleepy "do you want to just sleep? I can have dinner brought to us" I asked and he shook his head no "it sounds like you don't have family dinners that often and I don't want you to miss it because I'm tired" he smiled and went to change clothes. "Kento are you sure? I just want you to be comfortable" he came back over in overalls and kissed my cheek "it's your family, even if I'm not I'll have to be comfortable with them one way or another" he just continued being exactly what I wanted in a mate.

Soon we were off to the dining room for family dinner which I suspect is just a front for something else "hey look master Koutaro is letting us do our jobs tonight" Daichi teased "hardee har har, don't you have Tetsu's face to suck?" He laughed "I would if I weren't here making dinner" I felt a tug on my shirt "oh yes, Daichi meet Kenma my mate, Kenma meet Daichi, Tetsuro's mate" Kenma send a small wave and a barely above a whispered hello "nice to meet you master Kenma, you both better go sit, your father isn't in a very good mood tonight" he bowed and walked back to the kitchen. I pulled out Kenma's chair that now sat beside me on my father's left "okay, now that we're all here we can eat" father glared at me a bit "tonight's menu is roasted duck with sage and brown butter sauce, ratatouille, and roasted potatoes. Tonight's wine is a blueberry number from our very own vineyards, for those not of age we have a blackberry lemonade or a berry blend juice" Daichi announced as butlers and maids brought food to us "what should I drink?" Kenma asked "you can get one and I can get the other since I can't drink yet" I whispered back, he smiled up at me as our food was set down and our drinks were given to us. "So Koutaro I hear that you've set a date for the wedding already" I sighed "I knew this dinner was too good to be true, yes father we have but I'm not discussing this over a rare family dinner" I picked up my fork and knife and started eating but soon noticed that Kenma hadn't even picked up his fork "Kento why aren't you eating? Are you not feeling well" he looked at me sadly "sorry, force of habit. My old master told me I couldn't eat until everyone else did" I set my utensils down "oh you poor baby, I want to meet this man and give him a price of my mind and maybe even my fists" mother stated "why would you do that? I deserved it" he whispered. Gorgie stood up and slapped her hands on the table "nobody deserves to basically starve waiting on others to finish eating! What happened to you is nothing you deserved! What's his name? I'll beat him up right now!" This dinner was getting interesting "Gorgie sit down, we will enjoy this dinner and then we can get mad" father said cutting his duck calmly but I could see him gripping his fork and knife and I couldn't tell if it was from Gorgie or the situation "but father-" "no buts Gorgie, your food is getting cold" he growled before silently eating while the rest of us we're astounded he would growl at his apparent favorite "we are going to finish this dinner that Daichi planned for us" Kenma picked up his duck, took a tiny bite, and smiled "it's really good" he had stars in his eyes "I'm glad you like it, Daichi would be extatic to hear that" mom said. The rest of our dinner went by quickly and quietly "dinner was great but I think that I'll retire to my room. Kenma you're welcome to stay here or you can join me" I stood up walking around to kiss my sister's and mother good night and Kenma followed suit telling everyone good night.

Short chapter I know but Kenma's POV will be a lot longer and this was basically just filler Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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