Where am I?

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Hey guys uh let's just pretend that i didn't forget to update for a week😅 here's a longer one to make up for it.

Kenma's POV

I woke up in a huge fluffy bed "where the fuck am I?" I thought out loud, I got up and looked around the room I was in. "This is the man who picked me" I saw a photo of the three men who came to get me with five other men I didn't recognize "you'll get to meet those other five soon if you want" I jumped at his voice "I-im sorry, I didn't mean to" I quickly turned to him and bowed "it's okay. You're my mate now, what's mine is now yours. Why don't you go ahead and unpack, I've already made space in my closet and dressers for you" he smiled really big "o-oh thanks" I rose just enough to grab my bags and start unpacking. I looked over at the man 'I should stop calling him that' "umm what should I call you?" I must have caught him off guard because he gave me a confused look "well you can call me whatever you want to but my name is Koutaro Bokuto and my friends call me Bo" he grinned again "um okay" I have him a tiny smile and I think he exploded "I- I'll be right back" he said holding his nose and stepping into what I suspected was the bathroom. He came back minutes later with tissues up his nose making me giggle a bit, he excused himself once again and returned with more tissues. This time I held in my laughter "can I call you Kento?" He asked "umm only if I can call you Kouki" I responded nervously "I love it! Of course you can call me that!" he beamed at me again "I- umm what am I doing here?" I asked no expecting an answer "you're here to be my mate and to bare me pups while being my Luna" he answered throwing me off "I- what? Why me?" I answered "because I want to prove to my father that I can be pack leader and love someone" he replied walking toward his window "l-love someone? Love me?" I just kept asking questions, I didn't know what else to say "yes, you. From the first moment I saw you it felt like you were my true mate and if you'll let me I will be your alpha and protect you with my life" he turned back around to face me "I think we should at least get to know each other first, maybe take me on a date or something?" I suggested "alright! I will set up the best date for you ever! We'll get to know each other and then I'll make you fall in love with me" he gave me a cocky grin "you had me in the first half I'm not gonna lie" I joked. He left to plan our date leaving me to finish unpacking and rest until dinner, I got a bit bored after about thirty minutes and decided on taking a nap.

Bokuto's POV

'I can't believe I'm planning a whole date!' I fist pumped the air "what's got you all hyper?" I saw my sister Gorgie walking down the hall "Gorgie you scared me, what are you doing here I thought nobody was home" I clutched my chest "oh nevermind that, why're you so happy?" She asked again "I have a date to plan!" I stated proudly "a date? You finally get a girlfriend? Or is some girl just pitying you?" She said "neither, HE asked me to take him on a date" I beamed thinking about Kenma "well he sure does make you happy even when he's not even here, I'd like to meet him" she asked "you can meet him but make sure Kattie doesn't know about this, you know how she is when it comes to me dating" I dropped down to a whisper "alright, alright I got it, we have a code orange until you say code green. Come talk to me sometime about your omega Wakai" she nodded and walked to her room I frowned but walked to the library. I had called Shoyo for some help on date ideas and came to the conclusion that I should take him to an arcade, then to a cafe for apple pie, and end the date with a walk in the park, sounds easy enough. "Umm Shoyo what are his clothing preferences? He didn't have much in his bags and he was wearing an over sized shirt and really short shorts. Does he like feminine clothing?" I asked, the phone was silent for a while before his voice came back through "his old master made him wear females clothing and kept his hair really long so I guess it never went away but I don't really know, you'll just have to ask him" he ended the call soon after and I went downstairs to make dinner.

I walked past the maids and cooks "Master Koutaro please let us do our jobs and cook for you at least once" Daichi my head cook asked "you can but not this one, this one is really special and for a special someone so it has to be me" I explained and he left it at that. Once I was finished I had a maid put it on a cart and wheel it upstairs for me "leave it there" I pointed to the coffee table in my sitting area while I looked for Kenma. I found him sleeping under the many blankets I had on my bed "Kento? Kento? Dinner is ready" I smiled when he blinked his eyes and perked up at the mention of food "food?" He inquired yawning and stretching "are you sure you're not a werecat? You damn sure act like a cat" I chuckled "if I were a cat I wouldn't be in a wolf's den, now would I?" He teased "you would if you looooooooved me" I teased back to which he had no reply only grunting from more stretching "what did your cooks make for dinner?" he asked walking to the food "I made stewed beef with potatoes for us if you like them" I had forgotten to ask if he even likes to eat meat "it sounds lovely, let's dig in I'm starving" he sat down and scooped a spoonful into his mouth. I watched him eat happily until he noticed "are you going to eat? Or just watch me?" He asked "I will eat but I've just been happy watching you" he blushed and hid he face "oh don't hide your face, it's so pretty" I tucked some strands behind his ear and he flinched "o-oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" I retracted my hand quickly but he caught it "it's okay" he held my hand up to his face "you're hands are much bigger than mine" he lifted his significantly smaller hand up to my much bigger one "your hands are just child sized" I laughed as he pouted at me "they are not, your hands are just huge" he giggled a bit. After dinner Kenma had told me he was getting tired "alright, I can show you around the house tomorrow and we're going to go shopping with my sister who is eager to meet you" I said "umm okay" I went to grab a blanket to lay down on my couch "um can I get a toothbrush and paste?" He asked timidly "there's some on the bathroom counter, if you need me come wake me up" I laid down and got comfortable and tried to go to sleep.

Kenma came out of the bathroom and without making a sound slipped into the bed and went to sleep. "Kouki? Kouki? Are you awake?" I woke up to Kenma whispering to me "what is it Kento? Are you okay?" I shot up from the couch and scrambled over to the bed to see that he'd been crying "oh Kento, it's okay, why're you crying? Did something happen when I was asleep?" I asked the timid crying male beside me "I had a night terror" he cried "can I get on the bed?" he nodded and scooted over. I scooped him up and put him in my lap, running my fingers through his hair I had asked if he could elaborate on his night terror "it felt so real, I was back at my old masters home. All the bad things he did to me happened again and they felt too real and it scared me. C-can you stay here? I- I don't want to be alone" he held onto me for dear life "of course what kind of mate would I be if I left you here" I kissed his hair and laid him beside me and he cuddled into my chest "thank you" he said drifting off to sleep.

Ayeee so uhh I have a fucky schedule and try to update consistently but it ain't working so I'll update when I can? Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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