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Bokuto's POV

I must've fallen asleep with Kento because it was dark when I woke up "good morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?" Kento walked in the room with a snack "why're you out of bed? How long was I out?" I sat up straight and grabbed my phone "you slept all day, it's five in the morning" he came over and crawled into my lap "are you still hurting?" He nodded "yeah it still hurts but I can handle it, I just want to hold you" he pecked my lips "Let me call the nurse for some pain medicine" he stopped me "I just want to sit with you for a while, call her in a bit" he wiggled a bit making a tiny moan escape my mouth unintentionally "oh you liked that? What if I" he moved again "K-Kento what are you doing ahh" I panted "you've been neglected for a week, let me help you" he purred "Kenma babe you're hurt and we don't need to do this in a hospital. Are you okay?" I pressed the call button anyways and he pouted "good morning Mr. Bokuto, how may I help you" a nurse said over a speaker "yes uh can we get some pain medicine" I replied not knowing what to say "of course, I'll be right there" I breathed a sigh of relief when Kento got off my lap.

I got up and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror "damn I'm hideous, I need a shower" I splashed water on my face "Koutaro!" I sprinted from the bathroom to see Kenma cowering behind the chair in the corner and a man standing beside the bed "who're you?" I walked to Kenma "I'm Dr. Pierson, I'm Kenma's appointed therapist" he bowed a little "We were told we could deny a therapist if he doesn't want one, are you forcing him to have one?" I questioned sitting beside him "the nurses are worried that he won't mentally recover well and they called me to talk to him, free of charge of course" he smiled "the nurses don't know jack shit about me, I don't want to talk to anyone but my omegas" he growled. The therapist widened his eyes "I'll get your nurse" he stormed out "get Kasshi, Tsumi, Sho, Tori, and Suns. I need a nest and I want to leave" I could feel him trembling as the nurse walked in "Mr. Bokuto I'm sorry for frightening you. He wasn't supposed to come in here, I'm not even sure who that is to be frank" she shifted under my gaze "We're leaving Kento, this place isn't safe enough. Nurse discharge my husband right now so we can leave" I pulled Kenma up and told him to get dressed.

Kenma's POV

I sat in our room surrounded by the other omegas and I even invited Daichi to come along after Kou took me from the hospital "want us to build you a nest? We can get Bokkuns clothes and our clothes and pillows and blankets" Shoyo nudged me "Oh, uh yeah sure" I was in a daze from the pain medicine they pumped me full of before I left the hospital. They all left to get clothing, blankets, pillows, and other things for my nest "are you okay? You seem out of it" Tsumi put his hand on my forehead "I'm just really sleepy from the medicine they gave me" I leaned into his hand making him blush pink "Tsumi you smell like honeysuckle and lemon, it smells good" he blushed even more "we have everything! We even brought snacks and drinks!" Shoyo yelled, I flinched and Tsumi told him to shut up. After the nest was made and we settled in we decided to watch a movie "Tori you smell like strawberries and caramel, you smell amazing" I leaned into him and fell asleep to his scent and steady heartbeat.

Upon waking up I smelled chocolate and coffee "g'mornin doll" I heard Suna yawn "oh uh good morning Suns" I snuggled close to his chest "you smell like chocolate and coffee, it smells so good" I could feel his heart beat faster "are you okay Suns? Your hearts beating really fast" he nodded quickly and stuttered out an 'i'm fine' I began to wonder if Tsumi and Suns were sick or something "are you and Tsumi sick? Youre both acting weird" I put my hand on his head and he got warmer "Kenma I think you're killing him" Tori joked. I didn't know what he was talking about "I am? I'm sorry" I hurriedly took my hand away from his face "he- he told me I smell good" Suns smiled "Yeah because you smell like a delicious breakfast, is one of those scents your mates?" He nodded "My mate smells like coffee and it's one of the best smells to me" he had stars in his eyes when he talked about his mate "Yeah, yeah my twin is amazing blah blah blah nobody cares Sunarin" Tsumi groaned "it's not like you don't talk about your precious Omi Omi every day" Shoyo laughed "that's- that's different, I'm not talking about anyone's brother" he pouted making me giggle "if you don't mind, can you tell me?" Daichi asked shyly "mmm marshmallows and pumpkin spice" he smiled "what do I smell like KenKen?" Sho asked me "you smell like oranges and vanilla, reminds me of that ice cream we had once" he smiled "the vanilla is Tsukki and it compliments my oranges very well" he beamed at me "what about me? I don't have a mate yet so it should only be one smell" Keiji asked, I walked over to him and buried my nose into his neck "you smell like a brand new book but there's another scent and it smells like lavender? Keiji is there someone you have been seeing?" I backed away and looked at him "Teru smells like lavender!" Tori squealed "I thought Yams was his mate? They marked each other a couple years ago" Tsumi questioned "Yams left him and rejected him for someone else, he basically disappeared into thin air" Suns explained "I can't believe that Yams would leave him, he's so sweet and caring" Tori pouted "Keiji it's your chance to swoop in and claim him officially" Shoyo exclaimed "w-wait w-what? I couldn't possibly make the first move, what if he rejects me?" He freaked out "he literally asked about you at our wedding and if that ain't love then I don't know what is" I laughed and he blushed "he did? But why me?" I slapped the back of his head "it's because you're amazing in every way, you're so smart and not to mention you're gorgeous" he blushed harder "stop it already, you're embarrassing me" he whined and everyone laughed. Six months later Terushima asked Keiji to officially be his mate and they marked each other.

We celebrated by embarrassing him once again "congrats Keiji! Have y'all fucked yet? You've been together since Kenma and Bo got married" Tsumi yelled when we all gathered in Teru's living room "shut up Atsu!" Teru laughed "I'm not gonna answer that" Keiji continued hiding his face in Yuuji's neck "that confirms-" I doubled over in pain "KenKen are you okay? What's wrong?" everyone hurried over to me "I- I'm fine now, a pain just shot through my body" I exhaled sharply "I don't think your body is supposed to do that when you're pregnant Ken" I could tell that I had ruined the moment "I'll be okay, I promise. Let's continue to enjoy this moment" I tried to redirect the conversation "I can't continue knowing that you're in pain, we're calling Bokuto-san" Keiji asked for Teru to call while they helped me lay on a guest bed, I sighed knowing that I wasn't getting out of this.

Ten minutes later Kou ran through the door "are you okay baby? Are you hurt anywhere? Do we need the hospital? Do you need anything? Water or a snack?" I shook my head and laid back down "I'm alright Kou, just some pain and it was gone. No need for any doctors, I promise" I sighed "but Kenma you're pregnant and-" I was growing irritated "Koutaro Bokuto, I have had it up to here" I held my hand above my head "with you! Yes, I am pregnant but I'm not made of glass, yes I was raped and I'm still terrified of him just showing up! But in no way am I going to the hospital just for a pain that went away just as fast as I happened! I'm not some pet that you can tell what to do all the time! I'm a person, I may be mentally ill and broken but I won't be treated like I'll fall apart when touched!" I could feel myself breaking down "Kenma I heard shouting, are you okay?" Kejij walked in "yeah I'm okay, I'm just tired, Kou can we go home? I'd like to sleep" Keiji looked wary "alright but let me know if you need literally anything, I'll come running with Shoyo" he left again "I didn't realize that I was treating you like that, baby you need to tell me when you're irritated or angry. I need you to communicate your emotions so I can help or not help" he held my hands and I felt tears stream down my face "Koutaro Bokuto I love you with all of my heart and I can't imagine my life with anyone else. I just need you to know that" he wiped my tears and kissed me "Kenma Kozume Bokuto I love you more than anything else in my life. I'm so glad I found you and married you" he kissed me again before we walked out of the room.

Ayo kittens and owls, how are y'all? Have y'all gotten bored yet? If so I'm sorry but my story hopefully will get better but anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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