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Bokuto's POV

After Kenmas outburst he wanted to go home and take a nap so we said our goodbyes and congratulated the newly mated couple. On the way home Kenma asked for some lunch "What do you want today? We can get your favorite or something new" I suggested "Hmm, I'd like to try something new today, I'm pregnant so things taste different now but I don't want too much to eat. I need to get some exercise in later" he looked so cute and he was finally showing but his body dismorphia wouldn't let him enjoy his pregnant body. The OB told us that would be normal for his first pregnancy but I can't stand him not loving the wonderful changes "Oh! They kicked! Kou that's normal right?" I patted his knee "Yes baby that's completely normal, it wouldn't be normal if they didn't kick or move at all" he gave me a genuine smile "I want to enjoy every new moment we have from now on together" he took my hand and kissed the back of it "Our next ob appointment is tomorrow and the doctor was wondering if you wanted to know the genders of the babies?" He said "I want it to be a surprise but I really want to know" he continued "In our family we did gender reveal parties and baby showers. If you want we can do those" I suggested "That sounds interesting, I'd like to do one of those, wait your family doesn't know that we're pregnant yet. I'm seriously not sure how they don't though" he tucked some hair behind his ear and chewed on his thumbnail. I pulled it away as we parked in the garage "they don't know because they're busy putting he who shall not be named behind bars, mom has been keeping Kattie and Gorgie at bay because she thinks you're not ready to see anyone yet even though I've told her that it's been how many months now? I said that I'd ask, baby are you ready to see them?" He pulled me from the car and we headed inside.

We made it to our room without being stopped "why don't we throw a party to celebrate the twins, Kawa and Tsumu are great at throwing those especially if they're for me" he smiled as he laid down "yeah that's true, they have a whole protection squad now and it's all just for you amore mio" I laid down beside him and held his face "what does that mean?" I chuckled "It means my love in Italian" he blushed bright pink "ugh you're so embarrassing" he tried to look away but I held him closer and pecked his lips "I can't help it amore mio, you're just too irresistible and cute" I pulled him in for another kiss and he tried to deepen it but I pulled away "Are you sure about this?" I asked "Yes, I need you" he looked at me seductively and pulled me in for a more hungry kiss.

Kenma's POV

I don't know where this burst of sexual tension came from but my body felt like it needed Koutaro's touch. I rolled him on to his back and climbed on top, I tried to lean down to kiss him but my belly got in the way. Groaning I pulled him up and kissed him "it's in the way" I whined and he chuckled "its not in the way, we just gotta find a way around it" I agreed and we continued kissing before he rolled us over and got on top "are you really sure? We haven't done it in like four months" I kissed him again "yes I'm so sure" I said to confirm. He pulled his shirt off my body and sucked a couple hickeys on my neck before he kissed my belly "Hey they kicked me!" I laughed not in the mood anymore "wanna just lay here and feel them kick?" he nodded laying his head on me.

I stroked his hair and he began humming my song "baby they're responding to your humming, keep going" I felt them moving more than they were "you called me baby! Hear that babies? Mommy called me baby!" I blushed at him calling me mommy "What are we going to name them?" I thought a moment "I never thought about naming children, but what about Pitou for a girl?" I looked at him kissing my belly again "then what about Kiri for a boy? I had a friend named Kiri a long time ago and I want to use his name" his head moved when the babies moved around "it's like I'm on a boat, the rocking is very soothing" I laughed again making him move more. We sat for about ten minutes before we heard a knock on the door "just a second" he yelled handing me his shirt back. He opened the door to see Keiji, Tori, Shoyo, Tsumi, and Daichi in the doorway "hey guys, what's up?" I asked walking over "our mates decided to have a guys night because they missed Bokuto-san so here we are" Keiji said shrugging "I wanted to be with my babies" Kou whined "yeah, yeah and now we do now get out!" Tori pushed Kou out of our room and shut the door "well well well I see we interrupted something" Tsumi said poking my neck "oh those? We started but Kou got distracted by the babies kicking" I rolled my eyes and laughed "that's Koutaro for you, he gets distracted easily" Daichi said making everyone laugh.

We sat on my bed and everyone wanted to feel the babies kick "so you only have one more month until you get to meet your babies, it's so exciting! Are you going to have a baby shower- wait what are the genders?" Tori asked "We decided to do a gender reveal and a baby shower so I wanted someone else to know the gender and throw us a party" I looked straight at Tsumi and Tori "We can definitely throw a party! That sounds like so much fun!" Tsumi squealed "so that means we get to know the genders before you guys? This is so exciting!" Tori squealed "Yes, yes we need to start planning right away! We also need to get the genders so we can coordinate and plan accordingly" Tsumi pulled Tori up and they hugged me goodbye.

Ayo let's not talk about me being gone for a long time lmaoo but seriously I have gotten so much written that I have a good feeling about this story anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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