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Bokuto's POV

Kenma had been asleep for an hour before we got back to the pack house "kitten we're back" I said shaking him slightly. He stirred a bit but swatted my hand away "I guess I can unpack tomorrow" I got out and opened his door, he almost fell out but I caught him and carried him inside and up to our room. Laying him down I heard a knock at the door "Gorgie what're you doing up this late?" She looked scared "we got a message and mom made sure that I told you as soon as you got back" I was getting worried "Gorgianna Lynn you're scaring me, whats going on?" She was on the verge of tears "Kageyama is coming for Kenma, he claims that you're a mate stealer and that he's coming back for what's his" she jumped when I slammed my fist against the wall "do we have eyes on him? When did you get this message? Gorgie I need answers" I started walking to dad's office "the message came from a boy from his pack and it came the night after you left for your honeymoon. We don't have eyes on him because we can't get close enough to their pack without being outed, we just need to keep survalence on Kenma instead, I've already posted two guards outside your window, they should be changing duties soon though-" I had just gotten sat down before I heard an ear-piercing scream come from upstairs "it's Kenma!" I yelled ripping the door open and running upstairs only to see someone jump out the window when I slammed the door open "damnit! I need everyone up and after whoever just took my mate!" I growled "Koutaro what was that horrible scream just now?" Mom and Kattie we're standing in the doorway "Kenma was kidnapped and Bo is ready to rip someone's head off" I heard Gorgie say as I ran past them downstairs and out the front door. I couldn't smell Kenma's scent anywhere and I was getting frustrated running in the woods "Fuck!" I yelled falling to my knees getting my pants dirty "Koutaro! Where are you?" "Kenma! Where are you? Koutaro! Come back to the house please!" I could hear their screams but I tried my best to block them out.

I got up and walked aimlessly around the woods for hours "Bo! C'mon we need to get you home!" I must've fallen asleep because I was pulled up by Kuroo "Kū what are you doing here? Where's Kenma! I need to find him!" I tried to escape his grip but I was too exhausted so I just collapsed into him and just sobbed "Its okay, Tsukki, Iwa, and Kusa are at your house. Kusa and Iwa brought some reinforcements to aid you and Tsukki and I are gonna help plan something out" I nodded and let him lead me back to the house and into my father's office "Koutaro dear" my mother ran to hug me "I'm so sorry, we should have told you sooner. I just didn't want you worrying but now he's gone and it's all my fault" I squeezed her back "it's not your fault mother, it's mine for leaving him alone in the first place. After Gorgie told me I should've just went back in the room and maybe he wouldn't have been taken from me. I just got him and I've already lost him! How am I supposed to run a pack when my own future Luna gets kidnapped right out from under me?" I let go of my mom and sunk down on the floor "Koutaro Bokuto, stand up and be a man! Your mate got kidnapped and we know exactly who it was, you need to make a plan to get him back or so help me god I'll put you six feet under myself!" My father growled across the room, Kuroo slapped me across the head hard "your dad's right you know, kageyama's a bitch when it comes to fighting or defending his pack so getting in and tearing them apart should be easy as long as we can find where Kenma is" Tsukki said from his position in the corner "we also have Kusa and I's bloodhound soldiers, we'll be able to find Kenma, no problem" Iwa said helping me stand up.

I thanked everyone before we brainstormed some ideas on how to go about the situation "we know he won't harm Kenma, in his message he called you a mate stealer so he definitely has some connection to him-" "oh Kenma was talking about a prior master that he had, maybe Kageyama was his former master" Gorgie interrupted Kuroo "if that's the case he definitely isn't safe at all, he harmed Kenma and threatened to kill him once" Kawa came out of nowhere "I went to the room and smelled three different scents. I smelled Kenma's fading, the person who took him, and I smelled something new mixing with Kenma's. I could tell the person who took him was masking his scent" he frowned "there's no way I'm waiting then! I'm going now!" I ran from the room only to get dragged back by Iwa and Kuroo "don't be an idiot Bokkun, you can't fight them all by yourself. That's suicide and you know it" Kusa punched me in a pressure point making me pass out "it's for your own good" I heard as I fell unconscious.

Uhhh hi? Do you like the drama? I planned this out carefully and somewhere along the line my brain went "Kidnap him" and well I wrote itt😅 jump in your feels bc this is gonna be a rollercoaster. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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