Reception time!

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Kenma's POV

When Kouki yelled and threw me over his shoulder, I was glad that no one could see my bright red face. Before we could get too far we were stopped by Iwaizumi and Kuroo "Aw c'mon guys, I wanna start our honeymoon already" he whined making me blush again "you guys have a reception to attend and Kawa and Tsumu want to re-dress Kenma as they said for some reason" Iwaizumi said "that's not fair, I'm ready to go nooow" I could hear the pout in his voice "just make an appearance, cut the cake, have the first dance, and then you can leave. Your family and friends want to see the brand new Bokuto addition" Kuroo explained.

Kouki nodded and set me back down "I guess we can go but let's make it quick" they dropped me off at the dressing rooms to which I was pulled in by Tooru and Tsumu "You're married! Oh my god I can't believe it!" Tooru squealed "let's see that ring! Bo bragged to our mates about it being so pretty and the best ring ever." Tsumu explained as he took my hand carefully. They all gasped at how gorgeous my ring was "the sunflowers and daisies are so pretty. Bokuto-san did a wonderful job" Sho praised making me blush again "okay, okay we all saw the ring, now Kenma needs to change into his reception dress before he has to be introduced to the crowd" Kawa shooed me to another dressing room to see a beautiful burgundy cocktail dress with a bedazzled halter top "Tooru it's gorgeous but I didn't pick a second dress" I felt the smooth fabric "we know, we took it upon ourselves to ask Bo what he'd like to see you in but he only said short and sexy" Tooru facepalmed as I blushed furiously "he- he said short and sexy? Can I even pull of short and sexy? I don't know if I can-" my thinking out loud was interrupted by Tooru hugging me "You can pull it off most definitely and we better hurry because your husband is gonna want to see you in this" he took the dress off of the stand and Suna came from nowhere and unzipped my dress. I stepped out into the dress Tooru held out for me, I admired the dress in the mirror "you're so effortlessly gorgeous, I'm jealous" Tooru rested his chin on my head "Kawa you're gorgeous too, don't forget that" Tsumu said pushing him aside and fixed a flower crown into my hair and kissed my cheek "let's go babes, our mates are waiting for us. Kenni we'll let Bo know you're here before we go" Sho smiled.

After they left me Kouki walked in "Kento we have- holy shit you're hot!" He said walking into the room making me blush a brilliant red "I uhh thank you" I whispered "no need to be all bashful we're married now get used to this" he laughed as we walked out the door. My hand was trembling in Kouki's as we stood in front of the dining halls doors "Kento it's going to be okay, we just have to go in and socialize little bit" he tired to reassure me "o-okay I can do that" I wanted to faint but I couldn't. The doors opened and we were met with many excited faces "give it up for Mr. and Mr. Bokuto!" Gorgie said into a mic getting cheers all around. We talked to everyone we passed by on our way to our table "Kenma! There you are!" I looked to see Terushima waving at us "hello Terushima, glad you could make it" I said politely "yeah what's up Teru?" Kouki leaned over my shoulder "congrats dude first of all and second who is that dark haired guy over there?" He pointed at Akasshi "oh that's Akasshi, he's one of Kenma's friends" Kouki answered "is- is he single? Does he have like- you know- a mate?" He looked really nervous "No, he's unmated, I can introduce you if you want?" I giggled "really?" He lit up "wait, wait, wait, what if I mess it up? I'm not going over there" he changed his mind "nope no changing your mind, were going over there" I pulled him to Akasshi who was chatting with Sho and the other omegas "Keiji I have someone I want you to meet!" I waved him over "Keiji this is Terushima, Terushima this is Keiji" I saw the awe in Terushimas eyes "h-hi I'm uh I'm Yuuji Terushima, it's nice to meet you" he held out his hand for a handshake "it's nice to meet you too, I'm Keiji Akasshi" Akasshi looked to me with a question in his eyes while shaking his hand and I just nodded "would you like to dance? After they had their first I mean" Teru was being adorably shy "it would be an honor to, I'm glad you asked" he smiled at him and I think Teru died "okay it's time for our first dance Kento, let's go" Kouki came up and held my waist.

Kissing my neck he dragged me to the middle of the dance floor, as we made it 'All of Me' started playing "May I have this dance my prince?" Kouki said bowing and hiding my hand "of course my good sir but I can't dance to save my life" he chuckled "I'll lead and we can do this" he lifted me and put my feet on his "I'm too heavy to dance like this" he just laughed and started dancing. Kouki was an amazing dancer, we twirled around the dancefloor and it felt like a Disney movie and I was Cinderella.

When we finished and everyone clapped, the dancefloor filled up and everyone started dancing until the cake cutting was called. We let Gorgie decide in the cake flavor because I've never had cake and Kouki couldn't make a decision "Im nervous as to what flavor she chose, Gorgie isn't the best to choose some things" I giggled and we were handed a cake knife. I admired the sunflower cake for a bit before Kou guided my hand to cut it "now feed each other cake!" Kattie yelled from somewhere "no smash it in his face Bo!" Terushima laughed. We ignored them and each grabbed a fork and fed each other cake "aw you losers using forks" Kawa groaned "this is really good, what is it?" I asked "it's called red velvet, It's very good and my favorite kind of cake honestly" Kou grinned.

After we had finished our cake and thanked our guests Kouki practically begged me to finally leave "okay, okay we can go. Let's say goodbye first I want to see how Keiji and Terushima are doing" we walked over to where I saw Teru's bright yellow hair was. Waving I saw Keiji blush at something Teru said "were getting ready to head out, we have a long drive" Kou said slinging an arm over Teru's shoulder "yo go have your fun dude" Teru said with a wink "hell yeah man!" Kou gave him a fist bump and I went to hug Keiji "please use some protection, we don't need any babies yet" he joked "yeah sure" I laughed along while freaking out on the inside. Kou let his family know and everyone came to see us off "go have fun you guys! Your things are already packed and in the car" Kawa screamed holding on to Iwaizumi. I laughed and Kou picked me up bridal style and ran to the car excitedly "wait you forgot to throw the bouquet!" I laughed even harder and threw it over Kou's head and saw it land in Keiji's arms "You're next my dear Keiji!" I yelled at him and he blushed and hid his face.

We arrived at a small cabin hours later and it was cute and looked very homey "home sweet home for the next week" Kou said carrying me to the front door "you don't have to carry me everywhere" I blushed "but you're so cute and I have to carry you across the threshold, it's tradition" he tried to open the door "well at least let me open the door before you drop me" he moved his hand so I could open the door for us.

Whew the next chapter is gonna be spicy because we all know what happens on honeymoons🔥🥵 until next time my kittens and owls. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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