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Kenma's POV

I had laid in the hospital bed for an hour before a doctor came in "Mr. Bokuto, I have news about your injuries. Would you like your husband here with you?" I think I nodded my head but I couldn't feel it moving. He left and came back with Kou "would you like me to let you read the paper or do you want me to just say it?" I just looked at Kou "umm can you just tell us" Kou finally said "alright, Kenma you're injuries aren't major, the tearing that we saw is going to heal properly but no sex until you're fully healed and of course the bruises are going to heal quickly as well. I don't know if you're going to like this news but you are pregnant and we'll need to do an ultrasound to see if the baby is also healthy. I'll leave you two to talk, just page my nurse if you need anything" he bowed and left after that.

I didn't know how to feel "Kouki? will you hate me if I keep the baby?" I turned my head to him "of course I wouldn't, there's no way I could hate you. If the baby isn't mine, I'll still love them regardless because it is half you and you're who I love" he held my hand as I felt tears stream down my face "I- I'm so scared, what if the baby isn't yours? I don't know if I could get past seeing his face if they look like him" I flinched when he wiped at my tears "It is completely up to you, I'll support whatever you want. I have to tell everyone that you're okay, do you want Shoyo and Kawa? They're in the waiting room" I nodded again and he tried to kiss my head and I flinched again "sorry, I didn't mean to" I grabbed his hand before he left and kissed his palm.

He caressed my face and left to get Kawa and Shoyo "KenKen? Can we come in?" I looked at Shoyo and Kawa standing in the doorway "yeah, come in" they looked so worried and sad "we heard that you're going to be okay, I want to hear what special news Bokkun was telling us about. He said that if you wanted to tell us about it early you can" I just looked at Kawa blankly "oh, that, well I umm- I'm pregnant and they don't know if it's Kou's or Kageyama's" I started crying again "oh kitkat, it's going to be okay" Kawa came to hug me and I flinched away a bit "I'm sorry you probably don't want to be touched right now" I just pulled him back into a hug "I'm sorry, I can't help flinching but I need a hug" he hugged back and Shoyo came to hug me too.

We sat and talked for an hour before I started yawning "we'll leave you for now, want us to send Bokkun back in?" Sho asked as he braided my hair "yeah, I need to talk to him about our situation" I leaned into Kawa "Tori you said that Tobio was your pupil right? Did he ever say anything about me?" he played with my fingers "yeah he studied under me because his father refused to teach him anything and he did talk of an omega but he never said any names. He also described you in perfect detail, it sounded like he was very much in love with you but I knew he could never love anyone. I'm sorry that you had to go through every thing that you did, I never taught him any of it but I guess I failed you just as much as he did" he stopped playing and just squeezed my fingers "Tori you didn't fail me, you didn't know how he was treating me. He's a grown man with his own pack and I genuinely thought that he loved me until he hit me and said that I deserved it. He's his own person with his own thoughts and those thoughts turned into malice that turned him into a monster" I lifted his fingers so I could kiss them "we better go, we'll come back maybe tomorrow if you want- oh and tell Bo to go to sleep, he hasn't been sleeping lately" Shoyo kissed my head and Tori kissed my cheek and they both left. There was a knock on the door and Kou walked in with a doctor "hey kitten, the doctor is going to take us to get you an ultrasound. How does that sound?" I smiled a bit and nodded my head "if you're able to sit up I have a wheelchair for you" the doctor said "I tried to sit up earlier but I was in too much pain to sit very long" he nodded in understanding "we can wheel your bed into the room instead, I'll have a nurse come in" he left and Kou came to kiss my head "I spoke with the doctor and he recommended that you get a therapist to talk to about this if you're comfortable with it. They need the information to build a case to put Kageyama in jail" I didn't want to talk about the hell I went through for a week "will you sit with me? I don't want to be alone" the nurse walked in, detached the bed from the wall and took us to the ultrasound room. She grabbed a few items and some paper towels "this is gonna be cold" lifting my gown she poured some gel on my stomach and took a controller thing and rolled it across my stomach "Look there, there's your baby" she pointed to a small grey circle moving around inside of another clear circle "this is the baby and this is the placenta. The placenta is what gives your baby nutrients- oh there's a second baby. Congratulations you're having twins!" I couldn't believe it, not just one but two possible Kageyama babies. I could feel Kou squeezing my hand "are you okay? You're crying, are they happy tears?" I felt conflicted "I'm not sure" I hiccupped "okay, everything seems to be good. There are no problems so far, we'll keep monitoring your progress but you should be able to leave soon" she took the devise off my stomach and wiped my stomach with the towels.

Kou and I had cuddled on the small hospital bed and he hummed my song while petting my hair "Kou stooop I'll fall asleep" I yawned "that's the point kitten, you need sleep" he yawned "Sho and Tori told me that you're not sleeping enough, you should sleep" I kissed his cheek and snuggled into his neck kissing it too "Kento baby please don't" I knew what I was doing was wrong "don't do what daddy?" I didn't know what was wrong with me "you're horribly injured and even though I really, really want to I'm not going to hurt you or traumatze you further" I pouted but backed down, he resumed his petting and humming until I fell asleep.

Hiya guys! I'm back from the dead lmaoo I meant to have this chapter out forever ago but it didn't make it. This is the end of the angst...for now muhahaha nah jk Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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