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Kenma's POV

After Kouki left I was left with Mai and his sisters "let's go to my room! I wanna brush your hair now! Pleaseeee" I was suddenly pulled from my chair by my arm "hey porky let him go! He didn't even answer yet" I heard Kattie yell "no, now Kattie don't call your sister names. It's not very nice and Gorgie dear, please let him talk first" Mai said "okay, Kemmi do you want to come with me? Can I brush your hair?" She asked letting my wrist go "uh sure, there's nothing else to do while Kouki is gone" I mumbled "well if there's nothing else to do then come train with me! You're going to be our next Luna you should learn to protect yourself" Kattie made it sound as if I were helpless "Baka Kattie he's not a brute like you, he's too tiny and I'm not sure if he'd be into being a brute like you" Gorgie retorted "girls! Honestly you're worse than your brother! Let Kenma decide what he wants to do" Mai sighed exasperated. They all looked at me expectantly "I- I think I'd like to just finish my nap, I'm tired and just want to wait for Kouki to get back" I yawned and rubbed my eyes "then that's what you'll do, girls leave him alone until Kō gets back, but show him the way back to his room first" Mai kissed my head and hugged me before walking away. "Ugh this is a waste of my time" Kattie stormed off somewhere "sorry for all of that, we aren't usually like this" Gorgie said guiding me back to mine and Kouki's room. Once inside I caved and let Gorgie braid my hair back so I could take a nap "Bo should be back soon, do as you wish until then" she shut the door and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Crawling into the bed I waited for sleep to come but it never did, fifteen minutes had passed before Kouki walked through the door "Kouki I'm sleepy but I cant fall asleep" I whined "did you get used to my warmth? Either that or you got used to falling asleep to my scent" he said grinning "then if you already have the answer come here and cuddle me" I sat up and made grabby hands "alrighty ya big baby" he came to cuddle me and I fell asleep almost instantly.

Bokuto's POV

As I laid there watching Kenma sleep peacefully I thought about the "conversation" my father and I had "Koutaro Bokuto why is there a male omega sitting in our garden? Why haven't you found a suitable mate that will be a great Luna?" He growled "that omega is my mate and he will make a wonderful Luna and he's already an amazing mate" I growled back "I will not hand my pack to you when you have a male omega who probably can't have kids! I trusted that you'd find a suitable female mate! I should just hand this pack to your sister" he tried to end the conversation "so sixteen years of training me to be alpha are just in vain? You'll have to do the same to Kattie and she's no leader, you saw that today while she spoke to mother! If a child is what you want then a child is what you'll get!" I rushed out "an heir is all I want and if you can produce one before your birthday then and only then will I hand you the pack" he said finally ending our argument. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't realize that Kenma had woken up "Kouki are you alright? What happened when you spoke to your father?" He asked with this big doe eyes. I sighed "you aren't going to like what he said" I rubbed a thumb over his cheek "I can handle it, I hope" he admitted "he wants us to have a child by my 21st or he'll make my sister pack leader. I know you don't want to and I don't want to force you to but my leadership will be taken away and given to a tyrant who probably thinks you're too weak to be a Luna. She asked you to train with her didn't she?" I looked for a change in expression "she did and then your sister's started fighting over me but in the end I just came back here and let Gorgie braid my hair for a nap" he sighed "since we'll be getting married, I guess I'll be fine having a child. I just didn't want to have a child with someone who was cruel ir had a cruel family but I trust your family enough to have a child with you" he whispered making my emotions run wild "are- are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable" I was feeling uneasy "I'm sure, I would still like that date though" he smiled up at me setting my cute meter through the roof "Kouki your nose is bleeding again, are you okay?" I reached up and felt the warm liquid running from my nose "uh yeah I'm okay, I'll be right back" I left for the bathroom. I screamed into a towel "why the fuck does he have to be so cute?" I whispered cleaning my face and walking back into the room "do you have constant nosebleeds? Or do you have high blood pressure?" He sat up on his knees and waved me over so he could put his hands on my face. He turned my head from side to side "you're not hurt and you don't seem to have a cold, I'm worried but I'm sore you'll be okay. Now you said we needed a child by your 21st correct? How long do we have?" He asked "well it's September now and my birthday is in December so we have about threeish months" I counted "your mother also asked us to set a date for our wedding. Umm do you want to set the date in early October since it's nearing the end of September now?" I could tell that he was seriously planning this "you want to be married and marked so you can go into heat, alright let's set the date for October 3rd so it'll be exactly two months away from my birthday" I suggested "my birthday is October 16th so that should work. Usually our heat doesn't start until the next week of the marking but we should make sure I can get pregnant on our first try" By the time we had decided on the date, time, color scheme, guest list, and had everything written down it was dark outside "Kento it's getting late, do you want some dinner? I can make you whatever you want" I was sure he'd want something extravagant "uhh I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich and some tomato soup. I heard it was really good from Kassh" he surprised me "you've never had a grilled cheese? Or tomato soup? I thought you'd like a steak or something fancy" I was astounded "no I'm not really interested in steak honestly but don't get me wrong I'm not a vegetarian by any means" he giggled making me want to kiss him right then and there but instead I said "we should head down to the kitchen before my cooks make something" he got up to change into suitable clothes and pulled his hair out of the braid it was in "um Kento can I ask what your style is? I wanna get you more clothes but I don't know what to get you" I fiddled with my fingers nervously, why I have no idea "that's a good question, I love oversized hoodies and shirts but you don't have to buy those for obvious reasons, honestly I like wearing some girls clothes because my old "master" used to force me into them so I guess it's a trauma thing" he shrugged "but I guess I don't have a certain style, I wear what I think is comfortable" I nodded "I'll remember that" I grabbed his hand and took him to the kitchen. After making his dinner and teaching him how to make his own we had decided to call it a night sitting on our bed "what's your favorite movie? Or book? Or game? Or food?" I realized I asked too many questions when he looked frustrated "uh I've only watched two movies and I didn't like either of them, I don't really know how to read, uh I only played Mario kart, and I think I like grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup" his eyes sparkled at the mention of food "I- really? Never watched any good movies? Never learned how to read? Oh Kento I'll make sure you love to watch movies and I'll find someone to teach you to read because I'm not a very good reader myself and I'll make you love all sorts of foods" he looked shocked "you- you would do that for me? Why?" It was my turn to be shocked "what do you mean? Everyone deserves to know how to read, and eat extravagant foods, and if playing games is your hobby then you deserve to have all of the games and consoles your heart desires. I'll also need to get you a phone so I can contact you if I need to or if you want to contact Akasshi or Hinata" I gave him a lazy smile "I- I don't know what to say besides thank you. My past alpha never let me do anything unless it benefited him" he looked away from me "if you don't mind can you tell me what he made you do?" I gently turned his face back "I'm still a virgin if that's what you're asking but he made me do other things and I'm not un-touched in other words. I'm just ashamed that he- that he would-" he started tearing up "oh Kento, c'mere" I pulled him into my lap and started petting his hair "you shouldn't be ashamed of anything Kento, you're perfect the way you are. You are with me now and you'll never have to go through anything you don't want to" I tried to soothe rocking back and forth "can-can you sing me a lullaby? I like to sleep to singing" he yawned "of course, what doing would you like?" I continued rocking him "any one you like" he stretched a bit settling back against my chest, I started to sing You Are My Sunshine. I got halfway through the second verse before I started tearing up and he fell asleep "goodnight Kento, have sweet dreams" I laid him one the bed and turned the light off.

Sorry this one's so long, with only Kenma's POV it was too short but adding Bokuto's it made it a bit long but hope you enjoy nonetheless anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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