Back and Forth

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Kenma's POV

The next few days were spent with Kou driving back and forth from the new house to his parents. Finally after a week of visiting we were able to bring the twins home. I had just laid the twins down for a nap when he walked in the room "I'm sorry I'm not here all the time baby" he kissed my head "it's all for our new house, I understand completely. Your sisters are super happy that they get to see the twins every day" I giggled. We laid in the bed cuddling until Yoru began crying waking up Yoake who also started crying "I got it baby, just lay here and rest" Kou got up, picked both our boys up, and rocking them back and forth he sang my song. I sat back and watched my boys go back to sleep "Kento have you eaten today? Or had anything to drink?" Kou stood beside the bed "I'm not hungry and I had some crackers an hour ago" he frowned at me "Kento that's not healthy at all, you need actual food and I'm going to make you something" he kissed my hand and left the room. Walking back in he was on the phone "-yes of course, we'll be there right away" he hung up "Kento the DNA results are ready, do you want to go find out or he said I could call back and tell us over the phone" I shook my head "let's go in person, I want to see the results on paper" he handed me a bowl of ramen "eat up and I'll call the doctor back" I groaned but took the bowl and tried to eat anyways. Sitting in the waiting room was torture "Kou-" "stop worrying and stop creating scenarios that won't happen" Kou patted my knee and I relaxed a tiny bit "Mr. and Mr. Bokuto? We have your results, if you'll follow me" the same doctor that delivered our twins asked. As we all sat in the room our doctor sighed and read our test "Baby A the dark haired one is in fact Kageyama's baby-" I began crying "Baby B is Bokuto's baby" I was confused "how is that possible? There couldn't be any way that my twins have different fathers" our doctor sat down "there is a phenomon called heteropaternal superfecundation where an omega can get pregnant by having sex with two different men in close days, but it's very rare and practically unheard of but there is a 2.4% chance of it happening. Mr. Bokuto and Mr. Bokuto you are free to go, if you have any other questions just call my nurse or come back" Kou had to pull me from the hospital because I still didn't comprehend what just happened.

Bokuto's POV

A baby with Kageyama's DNA? This is going to be hard but I'm not going to play favorites because only one of them has my DNA. They're both half Kenma and that's all that matters to me and thankfully they look mostly like Kenma and I. I looked over to see my husband sound asleep against the window 'how is he so beautiful every time I look at him? He looks so peaceful' I looked back at the road just in time to miss a deer throwing Kenma forward scaring him "holy shit Kou! What happened, are you okay?" he looked panicked "I'm sorry baby, I wasn't watching the road and I almost hit a deer, are you okay? You got jolted pretty bad" I panicked and pulled off the road "I'm okay, I'm not hurt but I am awake now" he chuckled leaning back in his seat. I began driving again "Kou you missed our turn, where are we going?" I grinned at him "I have a surprise for you! I thought today was a good day to show you" he smiled "is it edible? I'm starting to get hungry again" I turned another corner "there should be some food there, if not we can grab some dinner afterwards" I turned down our new driveway "are we visiting some of your family? We're in a driveway" I laughed at how clueless he was "just wait and put this on" I handed him a blindfold that he put on "you're not gonna put me in the middle of the woods and leave me, are you?" he joked "I mean it is in the middle of the woods but I'm not leaving you alone ever again" I grabbed his hand and kissed his palm.

I've caught up with my prewritten chapters so have this messy one instead. I'm going to maybe do a timeskip maybe two years bc that is a fun age to take care of and I can write that better until then peace, anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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