Chapter 1

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Elise's POV-

College sucks, let me tell you. In high school you're told that you will have more freedom and that it opens up opportunities for your future, which I guess is somewhat true, and all, but maybe I expected something different because of the movies?

The movies always show a life full of parties, relationships, and roommates, that I just don't experience at the rinky dink community college I go to. I thought I was going to go off to a university, but my parents wanted me around home, and I don't have a job since I go to school full time, so I can't even move out on my own yet.

I don't have many friends, and the ones I did have never hosted or went to any of the crazy college parties you see on the screen. There was no beer pong, no ecstasy secretly slipped around, and no sneaking off into the party host's bedroom to drunk hookup with someone you'd probably never see again.

I know that isn't a lifestyle that would've been healthy if that was what I did have, but yet I somehow still felt like I was missing out on a great life someone else was living instead of me.

I really only had one friend at the college, and that was Kenzie. We started the same year and had a few of the same classes, so naturally we gravitated to each other. Plus, we liked all of the same bands and I guess we were also both somewhat of a social outcast.

I think if there were any insane parties happening, neither of us would have been invited, anyways. So we kind of would go off and do our own thing, which consisted mainly of hanging out in the park at night or driving through the city with the windows down and our arms outstretched flying freely through the wind.

But most nights it wasn't like that. Most nights, I'd just come home-too exhausted to go out and have leisurely fun. I had a stash of alcohol I kept in my closet, along with my vape, so sometimes I'd have a party by myself in my room while I worked on my crazy amount of homework.

Just me, at my desk, the lights dim, the music blasting, a solo cup filled with a pre-made margarita, and my fingers typing away at the essay I was supposed to be writing or a discussion board post I had to submit on Canvas.

That's actually what I had planned for tonight. There was a lot that needed to get done, like a 3 page essay for my English class, about 40 minutes worth of work for Algebra, and a study guide I needed to stare at because we had a test due in History class.

If there was anything I liked about college, it was that you could take classes on different days, virtual or in person, so your homework didn't pound you all at once like it did in High School. You go to school on your own time.

So far my second semester hadn't been too difficult, but I don't want to jinx anything.

It was after a dinner of chicken alfredo with my parents while watching the Good Doctor that I dismissed myself to do my nightly routine. That meant a shower, brushing my teeth, braiding my hair so it wouldn't tangle during the night while I slept, then settling down for a couple hours of homework that I would need to take in tomorrow.

When I finally was able to escape to my room, I shut and locked the door behind me. I stripped myself of the day's outfit, which was a black sweater, black skinny jeans, a black beanie, and my high top Vans. I kind of just threw it all in the corner. My room was a mess, anyways, so it didn't particularly matter.

Once fully undressed, I went to the bathroom that connected onto my bedroom and twisted the faucet. I pulled up the thing that makes the water go into shower mode, then stood for a second, waiting for it to heat up. Every now and then I'd stick my hand under the running water to see if it was heated yet. It took maybe 20 seconds before I felt like I could go in without freezing.

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