Chapter 14

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Elise's POV-

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of poking. 

I rubbed my eyes and turned over. "I'm not going to school today, Kylo"

"Who is Kylo?"

My eyes popped open and I looked up, seeing my mom gazing down at me with a weird expression on her face.

"Oh, sorry" I quickly sat up. "I'm not going to the campus today"

"Why not?" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Mom" I paused. "Kenzie died last night..."

"Oh, no Sweetie, I'm so sorry" she sunk down on the bed next to me, resting a hand softly on my arm.

"I need some time to get over it" I said slowly.

"I understand" her eyes looked sad. "If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here."

"Thank you, Mom" I yawned. "I just need to sleep off the pain, you know?"

"I understand completely" she smiled softly.

"And I was dreaming" I shrugged, trying to cover up the fact I'd literally just spoken my invisible friend's name.

My mom stood up. "I'll be downstairs when you wake up. Just call me if you need anything"

"Thank you" I let my head fall back down next to Kylo's.

He was awake now, too, but groaning with exhaustion like he, too, wasn't ready to get up.

My mom gave me one last look before walking out of my room.

"You're not going to class today?" Kylo propped up on his elbow.

I shook my head. "I wouldn't be able to concentrate"

"I understand" he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss into my forehead. "Do you want to go back to sleep?"

I looked up at him. "I'm already awake now, I don't think I could"

"Well, why don't we go do something to take your mind off of everything?" he gave me a quiet smile.

"Like what?"

"We could go for a drive?" he suggested. "I used to take my speeder to somewhere abandoned to just think"

"Speeder?" I repeated.

"It's a vehicle" he shrugged. 

"I'm fine with driving somewhere" I stretched and rolled out of bed. "Can't you just like erase my mind from remembering her, or something? I feel like that would make this so much easier"

For a moment, he said nothing, watching as I went to my closet to find something to wear. He looked like he was contemplating how to answer as I slipped off my pajamas. Confused, I stared into his eyes while pulling on a pair of sweatpants, starting to feel impatient for his response.

"You don't want me to do that" he whispered.

"Maybe I do" I mumbled, letting my white Troye Sivan sweatshirt fall over my head.

Standing up, he walked over to me and looked down seriously into my eyes. His dark irises seemed to spark a fiery flame, making me feel that much smaller. Swallowing, I didn't let myself break the eye contact first. I didn't want to feel weaker than I already did, but I knew he could sense the defenselessness that was surging inside. He really could do me in whenever he wanted, if that was his plan for me.

His big hand moved to my face, caressing my cheek softly, before he leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on the very top of my head.

"My Love" he murmured. "It is not only the happy moments that build strength in our lives, but the sad ones as well. Let's go for that drive, and you can mourn. Cry into my chest while I hold you. I will wipe away your tears. But I will never pull the remorse from your mind that is vital for your emotional growth"

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