Chapter 6

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Elise's POV-

When we got back to my house, my mom told me to get ready for dinner and that I had to eat with them because it was a Saturday night and weekends are for "family time". So I went up to my room to put my purse away and also of course to drop Kylo off. I didn't feel comfortable with him just downstairs with my parents and also in case he accidentally bumped into something, and for the principle of the fact.

When I came back downstairs, both my parents were already sitting at the table waiting.

"Did you wash your hands?" My dad asked as I slipped into my seat.

"Yeah" I lied.

I almost never washed my hands. Bad habit, I know, but it was a nuisance and tended to dry my skin out.

"Good" he smiled.

Both of my parents held out their hands, which I accepted while they said grace. Then I could finally dig into the casserole.

"How's the studying going?" my dad asked.

"It's going good. It's just a lot" I admitted. "But I think I'll have a chance at an A if I study really hard tomorrow"

"Don't forget we have church in the morning" my mom quickly stated.

I looked up at her, swallowing my first bite. "I probably won't go"

"Since when is it an option?" my dad raised an eyebrow at me.

"Since when it getting anything less than a B+ and option?" I shot back.

He opened his mouth to speak, but just ended up closing it, knowing there wasn't much point in arguing. I wasn't always stubborn, but when I was, there really wasn't any chance of winning.

I stabbed a little of the casserole and shoved it into my mouth. "You guys gotta cut me some slack here. College is a lot harder than high school"

"We went through college, too" my mom reminded me. "You're forgetting that"

"I haven't forgotten anything" I spat back. "Like how you had to walk to school going uphill both ways barefoot during a snowstorm. I get it."

"Don't talk that way to your mother" my dad frowned.

Taking that as my cue to just be quiet, I swallowed and continued to eat.

Both of my parents began talking about some nonsense stuff like politics and gas prices. I don't know why I needed to be here when they clearly didn't want me included in their conversation, anyways.

"I'm going to go study some more" I stood up with my half finished plate.

"Are you done?" my mom nodded at it.

"I need my food to settle for a few, so I'm going to take it up to snack on once the fullness has worn off"

"Alright" she shrugged.

Trying not to look like I was in too much of a hurry, I paced my steps up the stairs. Once I was back in my bedroom, I let out a giant sigh of relief.

"Stressful?" Kylo asked from where he sat at the end of my bed.

"Very" I locked my door, then set down the plate of casserole on my dresser. "This is for you, if you're hungry"

"That was thoughtful of you" for some reason, it sounded a little sarcastic, even though I knew it wasn't. "Are you ready for your next lesson?"

I nodded.

"I've been thinking, and I think I'm going to teach you how to utilize what I taught you yesterday to use against someone"


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