Chapter 16

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Elise's POV-

The next morning, my alarm woke me up, but I hit the snooze button about 5 times before Kylo took it upon himself to compel me to get up. He was already dressed-a dark sweater over a button up. There was no doubt he could have blended in with the studious crowd at my school, but then again I was the only person that was able to see him. I wasn't sure if it was to impress me, or what.

I, too, got dressed, literally just throwing on a pair of joggers and a sweater before racing out the door.

Once I got onto the campus, things felt more different than I could have imagined. I couldn't not think about Kenzie when I stepped into the history class and saw her empty seat. She was one of those girls who was always 15-20 minutes early for no apparent reason. Unlike me, she considered getting somewhere on time rather than being late. 

Still staring at the seat she always took, I rested my hand on the door frame, frozen and undecided if I wanted to sit by the empty place.

"It's ok" Kylo rested his huge hand on my shoulder. "Why don't we sit beside someone else?"

"Why would I want to sit by someone else?" I thought up in my head.

"Because you need to make new friends" he replied, then pointed at a girl sitting on the second row. "She looks nice, and there's a vacant chair beside her"

"I'm not going to sit beside her"

"Don't make me force you to" he replied.

Rolling my eyes, I finally walked all the way into the classroom, heading to the second row and hesitantly sinking down in the chair beside a girl who I knew was named Isabella (or Izzy for short).

Saying nothing, I began to unpack my textbooks. I could feel Kylo's cold stare on me, observing my lack of social skills. But I ignored it.

Sighing, he sat in the chair next to me. "You're not going to talk to her?"

"Nope" I accidentally said out loud.

Embarrassed, I turned away from Isabella and glared at Kylo. But he looked slightly amused at my slip.

"Good job" he smirked.

"Shut the fuck up"

He held up his hand at me, and I felt a surge of tingles beginning to trickle into me. I didn't know what he was about to do, but I also wasn't really in the mood to find out. I hated when he used the Force on me. It was uncomfortable and made me feel helpless. Plus, it always left me with an odd floaty feeling in my chest-a sensation that could only be compared to a drop on a roller coaster.

He kept grinning this idiot grin before he made a swatting motion and I felt my view jerk around to the girl beside me. He really was going to force me to talk to her. But joke's on him, I didn't have to say shit.

Izzy looked up at me. "Hi?"

OK, now it would be awkward not to say anything, because I knew he wasn't going to let me relax until I did.

"Hey..." I paused.

"You're Elise, right?" she tilted her head.

I nodded.

"I'm Izzy" smiled.

"Nice to meet you" I tried to smile, as well. 

OK, I talked to her, you can let me go now.

"I'm sorry about your friend" she shook her head. "It's so sad"

"Thanks" my smile faded.

Izzy opened her mouth to speak, but just then the professor walked in. Kylo, thankfully, released his grip on me, letting me finally relax so I could actually focus on class.

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