Chapter 18

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Elise's POV-

I ended up passing out pretty quick that night, since I was literally so exhausted. And the next morning I woke up to my weekly Sunday alarm telling me it was time to get up and get ready for church.

Usually my family will go out to lunch after church, but my parents told me they were going to go on a date and would drop me back off at the house afterward. This was surprising considering just how much they had nagged me only last week to spend more time with them. And also my parents just never really go on dates.

But I could not complain. It meant Kylo would get to actually come out of my room and for once we could just freely hang out around the household.

Once back inside-'home alone'-I ran up the stairs and threw open the door.

Kylo looked up at me, sitting on the window seat reading one of my school books. "Back already?"

"We have the house to ourselves" I replied, tossing my purse onto the bed.

A little smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Do we, now?"

"Yep" I nodded. "Mom and Dad went out on a date. We'll probably have a couple of hours"

"Do you want to change into something comfier?" he nodded at my black dress.

"Already on it" I pulled open my closet doors and thumbed through the hangers before pulling out an oversized sweater and some yoga pants.

Closely, he observed me as I changed. I tried not to make eye contact, but I could feel him gawking, which lead to my face reddening.

"Alright" I finally looked up when I finished pulling the sweater over my head. "Let's go down, and I'll make us some coffee"

"That sounds good to me" he smiled.

I gestured for him to follow me out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. My side was cramping up, but I tried to block it out. It felt like a really bad period cramp, but I took it for exhaustion.

"I'm sorry you're hurting" he said quietly as I turned on the Keurig for it to pre-heat.

"It's fine" I shrugged. "It's probably just girl stuff"

He outstretched his hand, resting it firmly on my head. "It's not your period. It's the Force trying to grow in you"

"Like rejuvenate what was lost?" I asked.

He nodded. "It's working quickly, though. You'll have your strength back in a couple days"

"I hope so cause I really don't feel good" I reached up into the cabinet for two coffee cups and set one on the counter, and the other under the drip.

I felt Kylo's arms wrap around me, moving their way down to my stomach while I inserted the pod. I pulled down the cover and hit brew.

The feeling of his fingers digging intentionally right where my muscles felt twisted was relieving the pain a lot. Maybe he was manipulating me into not feeling it as much, or possibly he really knew just how to help. I let my head fall back against his chest, the warmness of his skin through his sweatshirt soothing me. He tilted his head down, burying his face in my neck. On my skin, he inhaled, as if trying to memorize my scent, or something.

My eyes were closed, but I could hear the coffee continuing to drip into the mug. I wished I could stay like this forever-warm, the feeling of safety, in his arms.

"It doesn't have to end" he whispered coarsely in my ear. "You're going to come with me"

"What would happen if I tried to bring you back...all the way...right now"

Son of Darkness **Kylo Ren**Where stories live. Discover now