Chapter 23

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Elise's POV-

I brought in a deep breath, my eyes closed and my arms hugging my knees as I stared down at Kylo's body. It was like I could physically see him fading away before my eyes. And whether or not I could stop it was something I had yet to find out.

I let my eyes open, the Force seeming to boil inside of my veins like they were about to burst open.

My fingertips softly trace along his arm, and then wandered to his chest where they froze. I wasn't having second thoughts, certainly not. But I was scared. Scared of this not working. Scared of dying. Scared of what would happen to him if I did nothing.

I shut my eyes again, ready to meet my own fate if something went horribly wrong in this process. I took one more deep breath, then did what I had done the first time. I tried to form my mind into physically putting my own existence into him-giving up a part of me that would take days at the least to recover from.

The warmness under my fingers pricked like a thorn, the numbness beginning to paralyze me. 

I heard a groan, but my senses were fleeing to the point I couldn't tell if it was coming from me, or not. There was a kaleidoscope in front of my eyes, spiraling and blinding my vision to the reality I might have taken for granted, like a cold when you forget how much oxygen meant to you until you roll around all night trying to find a comfortable position that you're able to actually breathe in.

Even my hearing was beginning to give way, transforming to a muffled moaning that was like I was under water, or something. 

But I refused to give up, determined to not only heal, but also bring back my teacher.

The weakness was overtaking my body, my arm tired and wanting desperately to relax. But no matter how much this hurt, or how much I felt like giving up...I wouldn't. I absolutely refused.

Or that's what I thought until everything, once again, began to fade to black.

Kylo Ren's POV-

My eyes shot open in an explosion of appalling agony. My fingers dug into the sheets, trying to take away at least a little bit of the pain. I was so disoriented, trying to grasp what was going on that had woken me up. As sick as I had felt moments ago, this was far worse-a pain rather than utter fragility.

I threw my head back, my eyes squeezing shut, screaming at the top of my lungs so loud it felt like my heart was about to burst under the pressure.

My toes curled, trying so hard to bare it, but it was hard. Determined, I kicked, but something was holding me down.

My eyes shot back open, taking a deep enough breath to try and calm myself down so I could attempt to figure out what was causing the discomfort so I could rid it. But my eyes fell on Elise. Her hand was pressed into my chest, firmly. Maybe that's why it felt like I had to gasp for any air I could. 

My jaw dropped, seeing her instantly falling-falling beside me onto the bed like she had suddenly either died or just become utterly crippled. 

The pain fled from my body, and a new energy seemed to fill me up. I shot up, jumping off the bed and running to the mirror. I could...see myself...for the first time since I had died, I could see myself. 

I reached up and pressed a finger to my face, tracing the dimples in my cheeks as I was actually able to visualize them again. I felt like I was nearly about to cry. I thought this was impossible. But I guess it wasn't after all.

Luke Skywalker had told me when I got to the Force that it was possible, but I didn't believe him...maybe out of spite.

Possibly his hopes were that I would have done this the right way, though. Instead of manipulating a girl into thinking I had fallen in love with her so she would fall back and give up her life for me, he thought I should find an alternate object that might contain some kind of Force energy. Unfortunately for him, Elise was the only thing on Earth that had the Force with her. And unfortunately for her, my plan all along surpassed manipulation, but went as far as to kill her after she'd given me what I wanted. I didn't want her going around and telling everyone about me, making me look like a weak idiot that gave up my life for a stupid girl-Rey.

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