Chapter 5

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Elise's POV-

I woke up the next morning to being shaken out of my deep sleep. Groaning, I opened my eyes to see my dad standing over me. When I saw it was him, I nearly had a panic attack that somehow, someway he knew Kylo was a thing.

"Ellie" he shook me harder.

"What" I scowled. "It's a Saturday, how dare you not let me sleep in"

He chuckled a little. "It's nearly noon, you won't be able to fall asleep tonight if you don't get up soon"

"I'm up" rubbing my eyes, I pushed the sheets down and sat up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kylo propped up on the window seat, simply watching and looking slightly amused.

"It's a nice day out, you should go to the park, or something" my dad moved his hands to his hips, like he always did when he was telling, rather than really presenting it as a suggestion.

"Alright" I waved my hand at him. "Go out so I can change"

"Do you want a cup of coffee?"

I shook my head. "No, I'll be fine since I don't have class"

"Alright, Pumpkin" he started walking out, but did a double take when he saw the box of his old clothes sitting in the middle of my carpet. "Are those mine?"

"Yeah" I scratched the back of my neck. "I know you were going to take them to Goodwill, anyways, so I decided I'd cut them up into like crop tops, or something"

"Oh...fine then" he shrugged and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Kylo outstretched his hand and twisted the lock on the door from where he sat, as if showing off that what I had struggled with last night was so simple for himself.

"Good morning, Sleepy Head" he relaxed his arm and turned to me.

"Morning" I yawned, lifting my arms up to stretch.

"Do you usually get up this late?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't time work differently from where you're from?" I finished my yawn and tumbled out of bed, letting my bare feet hit the soft carpet.

"Actually it's pretty damn similar to here" he started to pick at his nail beds.

"You know right when you start to make sense, you only end up confusing me more" I huffed, going to my closet and pulling out a black, shear blouse and some shorts.

"The same could go for you" he shrugged.

"Sorry" I went to the bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind me.

Quickly, I pulled off the tank top I wore to bed and replaced it with the blouse. Then I slipped the shorts on over my boy shorts. When I came back out, Kylo was finishing buttoning up a shirt that was just slightly to big at the wrists, but tight on his chest since it was so broad. I remembered how stupid my dad looked in it, but someone this man made it look really nice.

His attention snapped up to me with a playful smile. Shit. He had read my mind, once again.

"You want to go to the park?" I asked him before he could say anything about my thoughts.

"The park sounds fun" he nodded.

"Come on then" I gestured toward the door with my head and walked out with him trailing behind.

"Look who's finally up" my mom gave me a pleasant smile when we got downstairs, and came over to hug me.

"I've had trouble falling asleep, so I was trying to catch up on it" I hugged her back. "Sorry"

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