Chapter 13

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Elise's POV-

I didn't know what to expect as I sped to Kenzie's house as fast as I possibly could, with no regard for the speed limits. Her dad had sounded pretty shaky, and obviously I could only imagine the worst. But for now, I knew nothing, so there was no point and over working myself yet. But regardless, I was.

After racing about 20 miles over the speed limit in the rain that was beginning to sprinkle down from the dark sky, I finally pulled onto the street. From where I was I saw blue and red flashing lights, blindingly blocking my vision. Inside of my chest, my heart knotted up. I wanted to refuse that they were at her house, but as I drew closer, it was clear that they were. Quickly parking crookedly on the road, I threw my car into park and yanked out the key before jumping right out. 

I did a double take as I passed the brick column at the top of the driveway, which was smashed and crumbled into the pavement.

Kenzie's mom was on her knees by the front porch, her face to the ground and sobbing. Her dad was knelt beside her, his arm over her shoulder and trying to comfort her.

"Give us some space" a uniformed man snapped at me as I ran up.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

Ignoring me, he brought his walkie-talkie to his lips. "One of the victims is unresponsive"


I went up to her parents, dropping onto the wet ground beside them. "What happened?!"

Her mom kept her face down, but gestured over to the side where an ambulance truck was parked. In the flashing lights, I saw a couple of officials zipping up a bag and another one loading a gurney into the back of the ambulance. I couldn't tell who was being loaded up, but I knew there was a 50/50 chance it wasn't my friend.

"Kenzie said she was going out with you, but I guess it was whoever that is" her dad sharply shook his head, nodding toward the ambulance.

I couldn't tell if he was mad at her, or only just perturbed and shocked about this situation unfolding before his eyes. But the gesture made my whole chest tighten up. Kenzie wasn't the person being closed up in the ambulance...she was the lifeless body that had just been whisked away in the other vehicle.

"No!" I shouted, jumping up. "NO!! She can't be gone, she can't be! You're lying! She's alive! She's-"

An explosion of thunder cut my words off and sent a shudder down my spine.

"They both had alcohol on their breath" one of the cops came over. "It appears to have been a DUI situation. I'm sorry, but that explains the collapsed column."

"No, Kenzie's not like that...she wouldn't drink" her mom shook her head sharply. "She was a good kid"

If you only knew.

"She also wasn't the type to go off with a strange guy" her dad said.

My mind was racing a million miles and hour as I stood, my hand over my mouth just staring blindly into the flashing emergency vehicle lights as the cop and my best friend's parents talked back and forth. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, but it may as well have just been the rain, which was turning into somewhat of a pour at this point.

My hair was sticking to my face and my arms shaking inside of my soaked shirt. My thoughts were spiraling all over the place to the point that I felt as if I was going to pass out.

It's hard to explain death to someone who hasn't experienced it yet, especially one that's unexpected. It's different for everyone, but for me the stages have always been the same:

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