Chapter 19

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Elise's POV-

About an hour and a half before dinner, I had a realization: Kylo didn't have clothes. He had my dad's, but there was no way he was going to show up for a dinner with my parents wearing my dad's fucking clothes. And then his own clothes were the ones he'd shown up in, and that certainly would not be appropriate. They'd probably think he was some kind of cosplayer, or something.

So I suggested we go shopping. Surprisingly, he seemed excited about it. I didn't take him for a shopping kind of guy, but then again he did sometimes try to look nice. Probably for me. 

So I took him to the mall, cause apparently they don't have those in his galaxy, which shocked me. They supposedly only had like little shops you could go to like markets, or something. 

When we walked in, I watched him as his neck craned and his lips parted to see everything around him. Eyes big, he slowly walked by my side, struggling to gaze into each store to take everything in. They had a lot of places here like furniture stores to candy shops. But I was looking or H&M. It seemed like a place that would have general clothes he could pick from that would still fit his style.

"How does this even work?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, it this one giant store, or..?"

"It's a bunch of stores, so you pay in each one"

"So it's literally a hundred stores in one building?" he tilted his head, looking back down at me.

I nodded. "Yep! I have one store in mind I think you'll like"

I kept talking, but then stopped. It took me a second before I realized he wasn't beside me anymore. Confused, I turned around and saw him frozen, staring at something.

I followed his gaze, and saw that the store that had stolen his attention was Victoria's Secret.

"Kylo" I rolled my eyes, and went over to him, grabbing his wrist to pull him away. "That's an underwear store, c'mon"

"I want to go in there" he didn't budge under my struggle.

"We're not going in there" I argued. "It's over priced and we're here to shop for you"

"Can we come back?" his eyes looked a little pleading.

"I guess sometime, yeah" I glanced at the time on my phone. "But we're in a hurry"

Shrugging, he finally let me tug him into the next store.

"Welcome in!" the girl that worked there called, but I ignored it-leading him over to the men's section.

"Do you know what size you are?" I asked.

"Your dad wears an XL, which is too big on me" he stood up straight.

"I guess we'll go with a large, then" I hummed, beginning to check out the options. "That way all your muscles can fit"

He stood back, watching as I began to pull off a couple sweaters and T-Shirts.

"What do you think about these?" I asked him.

His head dipped and he reached forward to touch the fabric.  "They look fine"

"Just fine?" I raised an eyebrow.

"They will do for meeting your parents" his head bobbed up and down. "And a couple choices to wear when I go out with you places so your dad doesn't get upset about me taking his stuff"

"Exactly" I shoved him in his arms. "Do you need anything else?"

"I don't think so" he shook his head.

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