Chapter 7

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Elise's POV-

My parents left for church the next day before I even woke up, and were still gone when we left for the smoking lounge. I had tried to convince Kylo not to come with me, for the reason that:

A. He acted salty about me going in the first place, and I wouldn't want him to cause trouble that would result in me looking mad simply out of spite.


B. Because I knew he was going to be talking to me the whole time and I wouldn't be able to do much, but think what I wanted to say back.

Plus, I just felt bad, because he wouldn't be able to participate with us.

I had put on a faded pink sweatshirt and ripped black skinny jeans, along with these crazy big hoop earrings and shoes that were an identical color to the shirt. Kylo, on the other hand had just chosen a plain black sweater to wear over the black T-Shirt he had mostly worn since I had brought down my dad's old box of clothes. I guess that was his favorite color.

He seemed to have taken somewhat of an effort to look good, even though no one, but me would see him. He even shaved with my disposable razor and combed back his hair.

The smoking lounge wasn't far into the city, and conveniently by a public parking lot.

"Alright" I whispered to him as we walked together across the busy street. "Please just lay low and don't say or do anything"

"I can say what I want, you're the one who can't speak back" he jammed his hands in his pockets, taking long strides.

I felt like I had to walk double time to keep up with the pace even though I should've walked at my own speed and let him do the work of falling behind.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled open the door of the building, and instantly, the smell of vape flavors filled my nose. The room was dim, and the hot boxing the customers were doing wasn't helping me see any better. Everyone was either sipping an alcoholic beverage, vaping, or doing hookah. It'd been awhile since I'd been here, but seeing the blue glow of the overhead lights reflecting off the vapor and smoke only reminded me how much I really missed it.

Craning my neck, I looked around for Kenzie's unmistakable pink hair among the people. But I guess she spotted me first.

"ELLIE!" she squealed, jumping off one of the couches and running over, arms flailing in the air.

"Kenzie!" I exclaimed as she ran into my arms. "What's up?"

"Nothing muchhhh" she sing songed, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to where her group was.

She yanked me down beside her and brought her vape to her lips quickly before blowing out the condensation. "Oh my gosh, ok, guys, this is my best friend Elise. Elise, this is Brad-the DJ I was telling you about" she leaned her cheek against his arm. "And this is Ryan and Chris"

Bradley was tall and lanky and had dark brown hair that spiked up at the tips. His dark complexion and brown eyes made him look like he definitely had Italian in him. His beard and mustache were neat and trimmed, seemingly professionally groomed.

Ryan had shorter brown hair and lightish colored eyes. In the light, I couldn't tell if they were blue or green, but either way they were gorgeous. He also had very well groomed facial hair.

Chris was probably the best looking out of all of them, though. His messy, long blonde hair hung tussled over his face purposely and his fair skin made his dark eyes stand out a lot. He looked to be the youngest, probably the closest to my age. And he was staring right at me.

"It's nice to meet you guys" I beamed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kylo looking each one of them up and down like he didn't approve. Shaking his head, he took a seat at the table, keeping his distance from the rest of us.

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