Chapter 22

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Elise's POV-

I'm dying and I'm already dead. What the fuck is happening to me? I'm going to fucking disappear.

The words kept repeating all night, as if it was a dream that was haunting me over and over again. I'd fallen asleep where I was last at-sitting by his head. And when I awoke, my head was in an uncomfortable position against the headboard, my neck crookedly propped on the wood.

I'm going to fucking disappear.

I shuddered, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Beside me, Kylo was still laying, his eyes cracked open watching me try to fully wake myself up.

"So" he paused. "You can read my mind, now?"

A long yawn blew threw my lips as I stretched my arms out. "I got like a few sentences, but that's it"

"You taught yourself that" a weak smile tugged at the edges of his mouth.

"I guess I did."

"Then you will teach yourself how to freeze, too" he paused. "Today"

"Today?" I repeated. "Kylo, I wouldn't even know where to start"

"Start with the birds" he gestured toward the window, but his arm didn't go up all the way. "Freeze a fucking bird, Elise. It's not that hard"

"That's easy for you to say" I rolled out of bed and went to my closet to find clothes. "You were literally trained at a school by a Jedi Master"

"I am your master" I could hear him trying to chuckle, but it came out forced and raspy.

I turned and looked back at him, so helpless and defenseless on my bed-unable to move or even talk without pain. It was as if he was putting all of his strength into simply living...or I guess existing.

The great Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, is weak for the first time.

I shook my head at his thoughts, which only seemed to become clearer now that I had read his mind last night. 

"Get out of my head" he murmured.

"Now you know how it feels" I smirked, trying to cheer him up, but he only looked more annoyed.

His head fell back to the pillow, his long, brunette hair falling over his shoulders and fanning out around his face.

I finally pulled out a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt-something comfy that I wouldn't mind being around the house in all day, and possibly training myself more.

How would I even go about freezing something? It was completely different than anything else he'd trained me to do. It wasn't like he was asking me to levitate myself higher, or lift a heavier object. I was somehow supposed to harness the Force to do something I'd never even attempted before. But then again, I guess bringing him halfway back to life was also new, regardless of the minimal guidance he'd given me. But look where that had gotten me-death. Literally. Lucky for me it wasn't my time and I had been brought back. Unlucky for me, that was probably the last time I'd really get that fortuitous.

My eyes shifted back to my man, who seemed to be nothing but a shell at the moment. His eyes were closed and his broad chest rose and fell steadily. I guess he'd already fallen back asleep.

Now I didn't even have him there to at least try to help guide me on where to start. I creeped up to the side of the bed and let the back of my hand rest against his forehead.

He was burning up.

His time was almost up, and it was on me to save him before he disappeared into an unknown nothingness. A place I wasn't even sure I would be able to access no matter how many times I died.

But what would even happen if I did bring him back? Would he completely vanish as soon as he was back and be transported back to his own galaxy, or would we have to build some kind of spaceship with undiscovered technology to get even out of the Milky Way? That would probably take centuries, but then again, I know absolutely nothing about space, other than the general stuff like the 9, or I guess now 8, planets that orbit the sun, and a handful of the constellations. And of course your general zodiac shit cause who isn't in to that?

Sighing, I pulled back my hand and went over to the window seat, sinking down into the cushion. Reaching up, I unlocked the window and opened the glass. The smell of freshly mowed grass instantly filled my nose, along with a small gust of chilly autumn air. I could see the brown leaves falling from one of the trees outside, joined the rest of the carpeted foliage on the lawn.

Up in the trees, I could see two birds, perched sturdily on a branch singing a rhythm in a language I didn't understand. I propped my chin in my hands, tilting my head to watch. I wasn't sure if attempting this stunt would harm the animal, but I guess there really was no choice if I wanted to help my boyfriend.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to reach the Force and bring it into my veins to catch that familiar adrenaline feeling. I focused. Hard. Trying to conjure the energy to use in away I didn't even know how. It felt like casting a spell without knowing the consequences, like in Dr. Strange, or something. 

But it was almost in a flash that the tingling raced throughout my body. My eyes popped open, and my eyes fixated on one of the birds. Tightly, my eyebrows knitted together and my hand shot forward, right as the bird I had my eye on flew off the branch.


I thought to myself, trying to almost catch the bird in an invisible grip.

And much to my worked.

The bird was frozen-mid air-his wings outstretched and his beak slightly parted. The only movement was in his eyes, blinking confused and wondering what the fuck was going on.

"Kylo" I said without taking my eye off the robin.

But he didn't answer.

"Kylo" I repeated.

Behind me I could hear him moan deeply, but undoubtedly not paying attention. I released my grip on the bird and turned around. He had done nothing more, but roll over.

One of my biggest moments, and he had missed it. But could I really be mad? He was sick. He was for real this time.

And I didn't know what to do.

I got off the window seat and walked back over to him, sinking back down into the blankets beside him.

His forehead was beaded up with little sweat droplets, and a little bit of his hair was sticking to his face inside of the moisture.

Softly, I pushed it back, tucking it carefully behind his ear.

His face looked so pasty, so pale that it nearly made me shudder. He looked like death. He looked like he may as well be a cadaver laying right here on my bed. A small shiver ran up my spine. I could see even the veins in his eyelids, starting to protrude in a way that I almost couldn't look at it without wanting to throw up.

This was it.

The time was now.

It didn't matter that it was sooner than I had planned.

But there isn't a way to stop time the way you would sometimes like to.

Ready, or not, I had to go ahead and give him the rest of the Life Force he needed.

And if I died...well, at least it was for a noble cause, I guess. Cause who wouldn't give up their life to save their boyfriend's?

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