Chapter 3

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Elise's POV-

I must have had a light sleep, because I felt exhausted when I woke up the next day. I kind of assumed last night's events were simply a hellishly bizarre dream, but when I looked over at the window seat, there Kylo sat with his forearms propped on his legs, staring deeply right at me.

"You're still here?" I groaned.

"Of course" he replied.

"You're desperate for some life Force, aren't you?" I made myself roll out of bed to start getting ready for school.

"You would be, too" he watched as I thumbed through my closet, trying to find a quick outfit to throw on.

But no matter how big my wardrobe, it always seemed as if I had nothing at all to wear.

I finally grabbed a black tank top that was slightly cropped, along with blue jeans and a belt. I glanced over at my digital clock and saw I was running a little late. Hurriedly, I ripped off the clothes I wore to bed and threw on the new outfit.

When I looked back up, I saw him gawking, and rolled my eyes. "Alright, if you're going to come, hurry up."

Obediently, he arose from the window seat and followed me out the door. Not gonna lie, I was a little concerned that he was lying when he said I was the only person that could see him, so walking downstairs and seeing my dad eating breakfast in the kitchen shot adrenaline through me. I guess this was the big test to see if Kylo was telling the truth or not.

"Good morning, Sweetheart" he smiled.

I stopped and Kylo stopped behind, staring at my dad when he spoke. For a moment, I waited, expecting him to look over my shoulder at the pale stranger. My blood was pumping, frozen in my tracks. But he didn't react in any unnormal way.

"Good morning" I cautiously went over and gave him a hug. "I'm running late to class, so I gotta run"

"Drive safe" he instructed me.

"I always do" I went to the back door and opened it up.

So my phantom friend could go out without it being obvious I was waiting for someone else to walk by, I reached into my purse looking for nothing while balancing my backpack over one of my shoulders.

"Forgetting something?" my dad raised an eyebrow.

"No" I beamed back up at him, after Kylo had brushed passed me. "Just making sure I had my keys. Bye!"


I closed the door quickly behind me and caught up to where Kylo was waiting for me by the car that was obviously mine. Both of my parents had expensive ones, but mine was kind of run down and old since I couldn't afford much else.

"Here, crawl through the driver's seat" I said quietly, pulling the door open.

Following my instruction, he got in and into the next seat over. After him, I also got in.

"How does this thing work?" he asked as I closed the door behind me.

"What do you mean?" I was confused. "The car?"

He nodded.

I stuck the key in the ignition and twisted it, making the car come to life. I wasn't sure how to answer the question, so instead, just let him observe. I moved the shifter into reverse and backed out, then started down the road.

The campus was luckily not too far away. I was a little leery about Kylo coming with me, but I also thought it might make it not as boring. An invisible friend sounded kind of fun.

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