Chapter 11

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Elise's POV-

I dropped by the house to change into something I could easily move around in when I got back from the campus, then I told my parents I was going to go for a jog. Kylo also had changed. He dressed in the clothes he had arrived in, minus the helmet, and also grabbed his lightsaber, securing the hilt it in his belt.

The park wasn't too far away, within walking distance, but I still drove us there regardless. When we arrived, I parked as close as I could to the footpath so we wouldn't have as far to walk towards the woods that no one went to.

"Are you sure this is a good place?" Kylo asked, following behind me as I walked toward the path.

I nodded. "Yep, I come here all the time when I want to be alone. I've never seen anyone there in my life"

"That's good because we can't have that" he chuckled.

"It's just over here" I gestured off the trail and motioned for him to follow me into the forest.

Maybe about 5 minutes later, I stopped and took a look around. The canopy up ahead were silhouetted by the rays of the sun, rushing through to kiss the areas of the thicket that it could reach. The birds on the branches chirped a song in their own language. To whom they were singing for, I guess we'll never know. There was an aroma of fresh greenery and wild berries. This fragrance was my first love, roping me into its seduction the first time I had come here. 

Squirrels and other wildlife scurried through the leaves. You couldn't see them because of the camouflage, but certainly you could hear them. Even the little trickling of the small creek could be heard from where we were.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"It's beautiful" he, too, was looking around, hypnotized by the scenery.

But who wouldn't be?

For a moment, he took in everything, before finally looking to me. "Ready?"

I nodded. "Where do we start?"



"Yes, meditation" he dropped to the forest floor and crossed his legs.

I fell to my butt and copied him.

"I haven't meditated in awhile, aside from the other day" He hesitated. "It's not something we do on the dark side, but I think that's where we need to start. We did a lot of meditation at the Jedi school"

"Are you sure you know what we're doing?" I questioned.

"Yes" he gave me a sharp nod, then pulled his fingers up in a Sukhasana pose.

I don't know why it was so surprising to see him do it. Perhaps because he was this big, tough man doing literally the easiest yoga pose ever. But either way, I formed my fingers and let my eyes close.

"Good" I couldn't hear him nod, but I could feel it. "Now just let your thoughts go and put all your mind into levitating yourself up"

"What happens when I'm in the air?" I asked nervously. "Or what happens if I keep going up until I end up in space?"

"Nothing will happen when you're in the air" he chuckled. "You'll still be in the same position. And if you keep going up, which you won't, I'll just pull you back down. Now shut up and concentrate"

I popped open one of my eyes to give him a look before closing it again.

"On more look like that and I'll strip you down right here in these woods" he snapped. "Now focus"

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