Chapter 2

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Elise's POV-

To say I wasn't scared to go back in my room would be a lie. I was absolutely terrified, and I don't get freaked out easily, so that's saying a lot.

I had finished my homework in my dad's office, because I really didn't want to be by myself. My parents had continuously tried to convince me that I was only imagining the armored man, to the point I nearly believed them.

Still, when it was time for me to go to bed, I was a little leery. The tingling sensations I had felt in my bathroom and bedroom were not nearly as strong when I was outside my room, but when I reentered, the feeling grew stronger. It made any fleeting nerves resurface.

Nervously, I looked around before I turned off my light. I didn't want to sleep in the complete dark, so I left on the little lamp that was across the room. 

I was still feeling uneasy as I crawled into my bed and under the covers. The fact that I could still feel the pins and needles convinced me that I might still not be alone. Maybe I was wrong about paranormal activity being a lie? Because I felt there was no other way to explain what I had seen...

After a few minutes of flicking my eyes around my room, I was finally able to close my eyes and try to go to sleep. My body was still as awake as could be, though. I doubted that I'd get a wink of sleep at all, at least for tonight, but still I tried.

My efforts of attempting to block everything out seemed to work, because I was literally about to slip off into a slumber when a sudden hot rush enveloped my skin. It was the same sensation I'd gotten at my desk.

My heart beginning to race, my eyes popped open, ridding the exhaustion immediately. There was that feeling I got earlier-the feeling of being watched.

Although faced the other way, I knew if I turned around the man would be there again. I didn't want to find out, but I also didn't know if he could hurt me or not.

To paranoid to move, I laid there for a second, coming up with an escape plan in my head if the man was, in fact, there. My eyes flashed to my closed door. Would he be able to beat me to it if I made a run for it? I doubted that. I was a fast runner-used to running through the city at night-but probably nothing compared to a seemingly strong man.

Uneasily, I forced myself to block out the fear of moving and slowly began to turn to look behind me. My heart was racing so fast that it felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. Like I had feared, there he stood, probably glaring at me through the horrifying black steel-like helmet.

I grabbed the sheets, about to make my planned break, when-


Still gripping the blanket, I froze in place, not sure what was about to happen, or if I was about to make my transition into the afterlife.

He held out his hand which was hidden inside a leather glove, and with the other hand he removed his helmet.

I don't know what I was expecting. A monster? An old man? But no. There stood a young man, not much older than myself with sad, brown eyes and a confused expression on his face. 

I'll admit my level of being freaked out diminished a little, seeing no weapon pulled at me or signs he was about to murder me. It also helped that he was...unfortunately kind of attractive. But there was still a man in my room.

"Who are you?" my voice cracked.

"You can see me..?" his eyebrows knitted closely together, the puzzled face expression growing deeper.

"What do you mean?" I still sounded shaky, but the question he had asked made no sense.

Of course I could see him. Why wouldn't I be able to see him?!

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