Chapter 17

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Elise's POV-

Today was the day, the day I was supposed to give some life Force energy to Kylo Ren. I was nervous, to say the least, but I trusted that he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

Saturday was an ideal day for my last training session before I attempted this since I didn't have any classes to go to and could conjure all my focus and attention into trying to save this man.

For a long time, we meditated, sitting facing each other in my room to soak in the energy. Then he sent me downstairs to eat so I'd have an ample amount of strength.

After I'd eaten, I'd brought some more food up for him, as well, and while he, too, ate, he went over some important things for me to ponder before we got started.

"First of all, don't be nervous" he said, twirling the spaghetti around the fork. "If you're nervous, you won't be able to use the Force in its entirety."

"I thought negativity helped to harness it?" I tilted my head.

He shrugged. "It does. Anger does. Hatred does. But anxiety and nerves won't do shit. You have to want it-to be able to reach for it without hesitation or doubt."

"Could something go wrong?" I asked slowly.

For a moment, he just looked at me, then shook his head. "Nothing will go wrong. I don't want you to over work yourself. You don't have enough Life Force to fully bring me back yet, and I don't want you to try to bring me fully back. Not yet."

"And what happens if I can't sop?"

"I'll make you stop" he swallowed the forkful. "If you use all of your life Force, which like I said isn't enough, you will end up dying and I'll be stuck halfway."

"Will I start to go transparent to others?" In my head, I was trying to think of every possible question I could, as not to be caught off guard by anything.

"I do not think so" he shook his head. "But I will start to be visible to others. So if you have a mask, or something, I'll wear that so I can go out without someone seeing the transparency of my skin"

"I have masks" I nodded.

"Good" he smiled back at me. "Then we will get started as soon as I'm done"

I sunk down beside him, letting my head fall to his shoulder. "I'm scared"

"Don't be. I'm right here"

"I know, but like...what if something does happen..?"

"Nothing is going to happen" he assured me. "You just need to focus, not let yourself get away like what happened in the forest. Or when you threw me across the bed."

I laughed a little, remembering how I'd pretty much overpowered the Supreme Leader of another galaxy. It was a compliment to myself to say the least, and I felt more than a little proud of myself that I'd been able to so easily take him down like that.

"Don't get used to it, Sweetheart" he hummed. "I just underestimated your strength and let my guard down"

"No, I think you're just salty you got beat by a girl" I smirked.

"It wouldn't be the first time"

"And you're the Supreme Leader, why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You think you're so funny" he took another bite of pasta.

"I think I'm hilarious" I agreed.

"Clearly" he paused. "But I rightfully earned my title, so you won't phase me with your nonsense."

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