Chapter 21

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Elise's POV-

The next morning when I got up, Kylo was still sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb him, so I just quietly got dressed and left without him to go to the campus. I knew we had gotten up in the middle of the night, and if he was anywhere near as exhausted as I was, he more than likely felt like he would die if he didn't get a little extra rest.

Not that he was already dead, or anything...

Classes felt extra long, and all my professor's' voices seemed to be more monotonous than usual. Every minute felt like 5, and every hour felt like a lifetime. 

Finally, when I was done with my last class, I headed straight back to the house. I wasn't sure if Kylo was going to be salty, or not, that I hadn't woken him up, but that was something I could deal with when we got there.

"How was school?" my mom asked when I came back in through the door with my empty coffee tumbler in my right hand and one of my backpack straps over my shoulder.

"It was so long" I groaned, setting the cup down by the sink to be washed. "I'm so ready for the semester to be over"

"It'll be over before you know it" she smiled sympathetically.

"I sure hope so" I sighed.

"Did you see Kyle today?" she tilted her head.

"It's Kylo, and yeah, I saw him today"

Technically not a lie.

"That's great, Sweetie, how are you two doing?" she didn't sound super interested, but I may as well humor her.

Honestly, she didn't seem like she really liked him, but I couldn't care less.

"We're doing fantastic" I pulled the strap of my bag further up on my arm, as the weight had been pulling it down a little.

"That's good. Are you heading up to work on homework?"

"Yeah" I started towards the stairs.

"I can bring you a snack, if you would like" she called after me.

"No thank you, but thank you" I waved off, starting up towards my room.

When I opened my door, I tossed my bag in the corner of my room, then did a quick glance around to find my boyfriend. But he was still asleep on my bed even though it was about 4:00.

"Hey" I closed my door behind me and walked over, sinking down beside him.

"Mmm?" he moaned, cracking open one of his eyes.

"Are you ok?" I rested my hand on his shoulder.

He shoulders slumped down as he pulled his legs into his chest-almost like he was in fetal position.

"What's wrong?" I propped up on my elbow and tucked a lock of his dark hair behind his ear.

"I feel really weak" he mumbled. "I don't know why"

I moved my hand to his forehead, which felt pretty hot to the touch. "You might have a fever, I can check"

He didn't reply, so I got up and went to my bathroom. I had a thermometer somewhere in there, but I hadn't used it in so long, that it took a little digging before I finally found it in the back of one of the drawers.

Then I walked back into my room and got back on the bed. "Open your mouth"

His lips parted slightly, allowing me to put the metal stick in. 

I pressed the button. "Close"

Obediently, he shut it, his eyes still weakly closed.

"How do you have a fever when you're dead?" I joked, but he said nothing.

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