Chapter 20

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Elise's POV-

"Don't be afraid" Obi Wan Kenobi's words echoed in my head. "You and Ben are a dyad. Ben Solo. We can't change what can't be erased. You are stronger together. Be cautious of his intentions. He is no good. He hasn't meant everything he has said. His plans for you are evil. He's not finished getting what he wants from you yet."

Ben Solo.

Ben Solo.

Ben Solo.

Kylo Ren's real name played over and over in my head, repeating like a broken record-at first a whisper, and then growing louder with each time the words were uttered.

Everything around me was dark, but I wasn't dead in the Force again. This was a dream-something familiar to me for once. But yet nothing was here-only words. And in the mysterious Obi Wan Kenobi's voice...whoever that was.

I squinted in the dark, trying to find anything in my field of vision, but I couldn't. I thought dreams were typically visual? I guess not all of them are...

It was weird, I could feel my heart racing, even though I wasn't actually here. It was a bizarre kind of fear-almost like the anticipation that I was being watched. Not in my sleep, no, but it felt like I wasn't alone in this dream. But it wasn't Obi Wan Kenobi's presence that I was feeling. It was one a little more familiar for comfort.

The nearly tangible awareness was killing me, it felt. It was the same anxiousness I'd felt in my room the first time I'd caught a glimpse of Kylo-that feeling right before I'd turned around to satisfy the expectation of being watched and seeing that hunch come to fruition.

I inhaled, my fists clenched at my sides, as I made myself turn around. But when I saw him there, I let out the breath I'd been holding in. I don't know who I was expecting, but it was only Kylo.

Slowly, he reached his hand out and touched my shoulder. "Elise"


"You didn't tell me that you knew." his voice was slightly perturbed. 

"What is it that you think I know?" I raised an eyebrow, going over a full list of possibilities in my head, before I remembered that he could probably read my mind right now.

That is, if he was somehow in the same dream as me. But then again, it was just a dream, so what was there to lose?

"All of it" he shrugged.

"You'll have to be more specific" I admitted. "I think there's a lot about you that I know, that you don't know that I know"

"Well, firstly, you didn't tell me you had talked to Obi Wan"

"You knew Obi Wan?" I asked.

He shook his head. "He trained my grandfather and was a General in the Republic Army-a Jedi Master"

"I didn't even know that."

"He told you stuff" Kylo's eyebrows deepened, knitting tightly together.


"He told you about Ben Solo..?" he took a step forward.

I moved my arms up, crossing them. "You mean, you?"

"Ben Solo is dead" he spat.

"Well, clearly" I gestured at his body.

"Ben Solo died before I did" 

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