Chapter 12

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**Sexual content**

Elise's POV-

By the time we got home from training, it was already after dark. I guess somehow I'd lost track of the time, which I knew my parents weren't going to be happy about. They already were up my ass about missing dinner once, but twice?

I'd gotten so wrapped up in the training, because though I was exhausted from the vision, it still proved to be fun.

Kylo walked behind me into my house, his cape fluttering behind him. I think seeing him in regular clothes most of the time made me forget just how powerful he probably was. He looked so valiant, yet also held that sinister undertone in his face. Even without his helmet, I felt small beside him. Small in size, but also in a way I knew I would be absolutely defenseless if he ever tried to hurt me. Even with the Force powers I had, he was much stronger and could probably take me out in one blow. But even with the helpless feelings that inched their way through my body, I felt like I could trust him.

Maybe other people shouldn't, but he needed me for himself to live. At least I had that. If I truly was his only ticket to being not only visible, but tangible to others as well, he wouldn't let himself slip through my finger tips. So maybe it wasn't the power of strength I had going for me, but I could toy with his emotions as much I needed to. But would he kill me once he got what he wanted?

"Why the fuck would I kill you?" he muttered as I set my keys on the counter.

I shrugged before my dad walked in. "Thank goodness, we were starting to get a little worried"

"Sorry, Dad, I lost track of time" I hesitantly accepted the hug he was offering.

"Were you just jogging, or something?"

"Yeah" I replied, letting go of him. "I went further than usual, so it took longer to get back"

"Alright, well, we have your dinner keeping warm in the oven. If you want to come watch something with us, we'll be in the living room"

"Alright, thank you" I brushed passed him into the kitchen and opened up the oven.

The delicious smell of meatloaf wafted into my nose bringing a smile to my tired face. I grabbed the oven mitt that had been left on the counter and pulled the pan out. I dished out twice as much as usual and also got a fork. My dad had already returned to the den, so I wasn't too worried about him judging the amount I had put on my plate. Then I headed upstairs with Kylo.

"I'm so tired" I sunk down to my bed.

My phantom friend closed my bedroom door and twisted the lock before joining me. "That's nothing compared to what you will soon be able to do"

"Is it?"

"Yep" he nodded and took the fork off the plate before stabbing a piece of the meatloaf. "You'll look back on today and laugh and say that it was kid stuff"

"You sure about that?"

He smiled and held the fork up to my lips. "Uh huh"

I bit the food off.

"Also, meditation is just the beginning. If you fuel the Force through your anger and fear, you'll find you're so much stronger that way" he got a bite and stuck it in his own mouth.

"Anger and fear?" I repeated. "I seem to have a lot of that"

"I know" he smiled softly. "I can sense it"

"How many times have I told you to get out of my head?" I snapped.

"And there goes the anger" he chuckled.

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