Chapter 9

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sexual content warning

Elise's POV-

"If it's a private party you want, it's a private party you'll get"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're still salty about today, aren't you?"

He didn't answer my question, instead he outstretched his hand toward me. Before I could even think about moving out of the way, my feet left the ground and I was airborne. It felt like slow motion, but at the same time, it felt like I moved at the speed of light before I felt myself being thrown down onto my bed. Catching my breath, I sat up, but he only pushed me back down with the Force.

"Lesson #3" he hummed, walking over to edge of the bed, his arms crossed and his dark eyes piercing into mine. "Learn to resist...that is if you really want to..."

My lips parted, not knowing what was about to happen. But I was also too caught off guard to think straight. 

"You're not resisting me" he hummed.

I held up my hand and closed my eyes, trying hard to summon the Force. I didn't want him to stop, but I wasn't sure if this was a test, or not. Under his breath, he chuckled at my failing attempt.

"It doesn't work if you don't want it to" he whispered, yanking my shirt up all the way. "I guess you don't want it to..."

He used the fabric to pin down my arms as he lowered his face to my stomach. He pressed gently kisses right in the center, then slowly traced his lips down further until the top of my pants. Then he kissed back up, pausing at my bra.

He laughed seductively, sliding my sweatshirt all the way off and then roughly grabbing my waist and flipping me over onto my stomach. My cheek pressed into the black and white mandala patterned quilt while his moved his fingers to the clasp of my bra, unhooking it like it was nothing. 

My breathes were heavy, knowing full well that for some sick reason, I was craving him. But at the same time I felt weak for not being able to get the Force on my side this time. However, I guess he was right-that I didn't fully want to resist him. I couldn't.

Quickly, he slid the straps of my bra down my shoulder and tossed the garment onto the floor, then flipped me back over to my stomach.

"Beautiful" he said in his beautifully deep voice, gawking at my chest as he shifted his fingers down to the button on my skinny jeans.

Skillfully, he undid it with two fingers and pulled down the zipper. I bent my knees, allowing him easier access to slide off the pants from my ankles. And that's exactly what he did. I could feel the sudden cold air on my skin, shooting little chill bumps up my thighs and onto my arms.

He saw it, too, but kept the serious expression on his lips. His eyes fell to my thong, a simple black one with a white elastic waist band.

"Come here" he breathed, sliding his own shirt off.

I scooched closer, to which he grabbed my knees and roughly pushed them apart. He got down on his knees in front of the bed, still holding my legs open and moved his finger to the inside of my thigh, running it closer and closer to the center of my panties. When he got to the thin fabric, he moved it to the side.

"I still don't see you stopping me" he purred, bringing his index finger to the top of my clit. "It's almost like you want me to...keep going?"

I looked down at him, absolutely speechless. Even if I did want him to stop, I wouldn't have been able to make him. My small build was no match for his muscular physique, and I couldn't have been able to muster enough energy to use the Force.

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