Chapter 10

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Elise's POV-

The next morning when I woke up, I had completely forgotten that Kylo had slept in my bed beside me. It made me replay everything that had happened the previous night in my head, which seemed so unlikely that I almost wondered if it had all been a dream. But him laying there beside me dismissed any doubts that I had.

Lady Ren I thought to myself, staring at his sleeping eyes and shaking my head.

I rolled out of bed and tapped my phone screen to check the time. Great. I had enough time to shower before classes to wash off the night before. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. My eyes immediately wondered over to my own reflection, which looked more than a little frazzled. The smell of sex wafted off my skin, and I couldn't wait to get rid of it to avoid suspicious parents. 

I went over to the tub and twisted the nozzle before lifting the shower plug. Then I undressed while it warmed up. By the time I had disrobed, the water was hot enough to enter without freezing to death, so I did just that.

Quickly, I washed my hair, in case there was residue from the previous night on it, and put extra conditioner in it to avoid tangling. Then I did a quick wash down on my whole body, making sure that I spent extra time between my legs. I could feel the little stubble of hair growing back in on my legs and stood there for a second, contemplating about whether or not I wanted to shave them. The alternative was wearing long pants, which I may as well do since the Autumn breeze was always a little chilly.

I was about to turn off the water, when the shower curtain ripped open and Kylo's face appeared. Startled, I jumped back, catching myself on the wall from falling. At least I thought I did, but he had his hand outstretched like he was the one that had really prevented me from breaking my neck. I guess there would be no breaking news statement on tv today about a local girl that dies in the shower from being startled by a phantom man.

"What are you doing in here?" I reached out and grabbed my towel, wrapping myself up in it quickly before stepping out.

"I was making sure you weren't leaving without me" he replied.

"You're going to come again?" I tilted my head.

"I'll make you come again later" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"But, yes, I was planning to come with you"

"It's not too boring for you?" I brushed passed him, back into my bedroom to find something cute to wear.

"Why would it be boring?" he followed me. "I like learning about your planet"

"I guess that makes sense if you know nothing about it" I pulled open my closet door and reached in, pulling out a tight grey crop top and my ripped black skinny jeans.

"Besides, it's not the kind of school I went to" he sunk back down on the bed, pushing his hair out of his face.

I reached into my basket for a thong and slid it up my legs. "What school did you even go to?"

He watched as I pulled the jeans on over my panties. "You wouldn't know it"

"Well, no shit, Sherlock" I did up the button and grabbed the shirt. "But I'm quite curious"

"It was a Jedi training school" he shrugged.

"Like I would know was a Jedi is" I let the shirt slide over my head before pulling it down.

"It's someone who is trained to bring 'peace' and 'justice' to the galaxy" he said the words bitterly, like he regretted going.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I narrowed my eyes at him and walked over to my dresser.

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