Chapter 8

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Elise's POV-

On the way home from the smoking lounge, Kylo and I didn't speak. We both just avoided eye contact completely and also had anger painted all over our faces..

My parents' car was in the drive way when I got back, so I went through the back door. I really didn't want a talk about going out when I had said I needed to study. I knew they would ask a million questions that I really didn't feel like answering, and they would also be mad I missed church to go out and do my own thing.

Quietly, I went up the stairs, Kylo behind me. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest, obviously more than a little pissed off at me. Even though I technically hadn't done anything wrong. Sure spiting him might have been a little mean, but it wasn't like I had really hurt him.

"What the fuck was that?" I demanded once behind my closed bedroom door.

"What do you mean what the fuck was that?!" he rolled his eyes. "Why don't you tell me?!"

"You're acting possessive, like you get to control my love life!" I threw up my arms. "I already have enough trouble as it is getting guys and here you are, trying to stop me from the one chance I get! Stop being a parent and let me have my fucking freedom. You're not my dad."

"Imagine how I feel" he stepped forward, his height towering over me, making me feel small. "I'm stuck inside some foreign dimension. At least you get to talk to people and do things. I'm trapped inside your damn room in your fucking galaxy, and when I do go out, it's not like that changes anything! I'm still in a prison!"

"Why can't you a Force ghost somewhere else?" I spat.

He opened his mouth to speak, but instead just closed it, his eyes turning red like he was either trying not to cry, or was about to rage with anger. But I stood my ground. He took a step back before walking over to the window seat and sinking down and pulling his legs to his chest. For a second, I just stared at him, wanting, in a weird way, to take back my words. But it was true, he'd only been here for four days and had already somehow managed to take over my whole life.

His eyes flashed to the teddy bear on my bed and within literally a second, he grabbed it with the Force and sent it flying across the room. It hit the wall so hard, I could hear the plastic eye crack against the impact. Caught off guard, I gaped at it before my vision refocused on him.

"I'm sorry" I hesitated. "I didn't mean that"

"Yes, you did" he turned away, resting his cheek against his knee. "You meant it"

"No, I-"

"Don't" discernibly, he shook his head.


"ELISE...I can read your mind, remember?"

"Elise are you home?" my mom called up the stairs.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, still looking uneasily at Kylo.

"Can you come downstairs for a second?"

"Coming!" I lowered my voice "Don't go anywhere"

I hated to leave him in the middle of a fight, especially when he was winning. I wanted him to know that I was right that he had been trying to control me, but I did feel bad and wanted to make things right. Maybe if he didn't live in my room I wouldn't have wanted to mend things as badly. But when you're in close proximity to someone, the awkward level it pretty high up there if you can't get out of a fight.

Hastily, I ran out of my bedroom and to the top of the stairs where my mom was looking up from the foyer, still in her dress and heels from church.

"Yeah?" I asked exasperated.

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